February 2024: PK visits Charotar University of Science & Technology as part of Endowment Chair Professor visit program | Pics 1 | Pics 2 | Pics 3 |

February 2024: PK Attends ROCS at IIT Bombay | Pics |

February 2024: Our papers "Multilingual Coreference Resolution in Low-resource South Asian Languages" and "SaGE: Evaluating Moral Consistency in Large Language Models" accepted at LREC-COLING 2024!| Paper 1 | Paper 2

February 2024: PK attends ACM Academic Research and Careers for Students (ARCS) event | Pics 1 | Pics 2 | Pics 3 | Pics 4 |

February 2024: PK attends ACM Pingala Interactions in Computing | Pics 1 | Pics 2 | Pics 3 | Pics 4 |

January 2024: Precog student Tejasvi joins UT Austin | Pics

January 2024: PK attends ROCS at IIT Madras | Pics

January 2024: PK attends ACM India PhD Clinic 2024 | Pics

January 2024: Precog turns 13! | Pics

December 2023: PK visits BVRIT | Pics

December 2023: PK attends workshop on Advances in Deep Learning and Applications at IIITSC | Pics

December 2023: PK visits SRMIST | Pics

December 2023: PK inaugurates ACM Student Chapter at KLUH | Pics

December 2023: PK offers Responsible AI course at IIIT Hyd for Spring 2024 | Pics

December 2023: PK gives talk on Legal Bias in LLMs | Pics

December 2023: PK interacts with students from IIT Madras | Pics

December 2023: Prof. Lydia visits IIIT Hyd, Precog | Pics

November 2023: Precog Alum Dheeraj visits IIIT Hyd, Precog | Pics

November 2023: Mahindra University students visit IIIT Hyderabad | Pics

November 2023: PK gives technical talk on Resposible AI at JKLU Jaipur | Pics

November 2023: PK gives talk on Resposible AI at IIT Madras | Pics

November 2023: Our papers “Tight Sampling in Unbounded Networks” and "Understanding Coordinated Communities Through The Lens Of Protest-centric Narratives" accepted at ICWSM 2024 | Paper 1 | Paper 2

November 2023: Precog Alums Akshay, Aravind, and Hitkul join CMU, UofT, and Flipkart respectively | Pics 1 | Pics 2 | Pics 3

November 2023: Our paper “Tight Sampling in Unbounded Networks” released | Paper

October 2023: Precog Alums Tushar, Dipanwita, Ashwin, Aakash, Mehul and Pulak join UCSD, Georgia Tech, UPF, Goldman Sachs, Endowus, and Sprinklr respectively | Pics 1 | Pics 2 | Pics 3 | Pics 4 | Pics 5 | Pics 6

October 2023: Our paper “Game, Set, and Conflict: Evaluating Conflict and Game Frames in #indianelection News Coverage” released | Paper

October 2023: PK gives talk on Resposible AI at ACM India ROCS | Pics

October 2023: PK attends BiNDI Summit at Google Bengaluru | Pics

October 2023: Our short paper "CiteCaseLAW: Citation Worthiness Detection in Caselaw for Legal Assistive Writing" Accepted at JURIX 2023. | Paper

October 2023: Our paper, "Explaining Finetuned Transformers on Hate Speech Predictions using Layerwise Relevance Propagation" accepted at 11th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2023. | Paper

September 2023: Our recent work on Open Information Extraction Tool For Indic Languages covered on The Hans India | Pics

September 2023: Precog alum Shradha Sehgal receives Siebel Scholar Award for 2024 | Pics

September 2023: Our paper, "IndIE: A Multilingual Open Information Extraction Tool For Indic Languages," has been accepted for publication in the Findings of IJCNLP-AACL 2023 | Pics

September 2023: Join us for Brainstorm Fall 2023 | Pics

September 2023: Precog recruiting research assistants | Pics

August 2023: Precog alums Omkar, Pooja, Bhavyajeet, Asmit, and Abhijeet join UIUC, Columbia University, Microsoft Research, Georgia Tech, and Goldman Sachs respectively | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5

August 2023: PK visits IIIT Una for Freshers 2023 Orientation Program | Pics

August 2023: PK visits Plaksha University | Pics

August 2023: Shashwat Goel visiting Berkley for Stanford Existential Risk Institute ML Alignment Theory Scholars Program | Pics

August 2023: PK interacts with students at IIITDM Kancheepuram as a part of Freshers 2023 orientation program | Pics

August 2023: Precog alums Ansh Khandelwal, Shrey Gupta and Shaurya Dewan join CMU | Pics

August 2023: PK inaugurates ACM student chapter at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology | Pics

August 2023: PK gives ACM Indian Eminent Speaker talk at Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences | Pics

August 2023: Triansh Sharma joins Rubrik | Pics

August 2023: PK gives keynote at JayPee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) | Pics

August 2023: PK meets newly graduated Anmol Goel with his MS thesis | Pics

July 2023: PK completes 14 years of professorship | Pics

July 2023: Anmol Agarwal joins Microsoft Research | Pics

July 2023: PK visits Georgia Tech | Pics

July 2023: Our paper in the shared task at WASSA2023 ACL workshop ranked 6th overall | Pics

July 2023: Amul Agrawal joins Uber as SDE | Pics

July 2023: Precog alum Dhruv Kuchhal defend his PhD thesis "Building Trust In the Online Ecosystem through Empirical Evaluations of Web Security and Privacy Concerns" | Pics

July 2023: Our work “Representation Learning for Identifying Depression Causes in Social Media” accepted at the Knowledge-infused Learning Workshop at ACM SIGKDD & Annual KDD Conference 2023 | Pics

July 2023: Our paper "CAFIN: Centrality Aware Fairness inducing IN-processing for Unsupervised Representation Learning on Graphs" accepted at 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 | Pics

July 2023: Pratyush Priyadarshi joins Google | Pics

July 2023: Shrey Gupta blogs his experience with us "Precof: A Memoir of Growth and Discovery" | Blog | Pics

July 2023: Kshitijaa Jaglan will be spending summer and fall semester at Social Networks Lab, ETH Zurich | Pics

June 2023: Arvindh A will be interning at JP Morgan Chase this summer | Pics

June 2023: Anmol Goel defends his Masters thesis "A Computational Exploration of Linguistic Ambiguity" | Thesis document | Live presentation | Poster

June 2023: Our paper "X-RiSAWOZ: High-Quality End-to-End Multilingual Dialogue Datasets and Few-shot Agents" accepted at ACL 2023. It is a collaboration between Stanford University, Tianjin University, Hanyang University, Université Paris-Saclay, Microsoft Research India, Karya, and International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH). | Findings

June 2023: PK joins the alumni meetup in Seattle | Pics

June 2023: Aakash Aanegola blogs his experience with us "A Precogger's Epilogue" | Blog | Pics

June 2023: Nidhi Goyal joins as Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE at Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University | Pics

June 2023: Prashant will be spending the summer at IBM Research India | Pics

June 2023: Vamshi Krishna and Priyanshul Govil will be spending their summer and fall semester at University of Maryland Baltimore County | Pics

June 2023: PK visits Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh | Pic 1 | Pic 2

June 2023: PK starts as Senior Research Associate at Artificial Intelligence Institute as University of South Carolina | Pics

June 2023: Shashwat Singh will be spending summer and fall semester at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in the Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS)| Pics

May 2023: PK interacts with SHRISHTI interns at iHub Data, IIIT Hyderabad | Details | Pics

May 2023: PK to go for summer sabbatical at AI Institute, University of South Carolina | Pics

May 2023: Amul Agrawal blogs about his experience with us "PreCog Thrills: My Epic Ride with an Amazing Academic Crew" | Blog

April 2023: Tushar Mohan blogs about his experience with us "Disentangling the mysteries of research via PreCog" | Blog

April 2023: PK visits IIT Madras | Pics

April 2023: PK gives a talk about "Data Science for Social Good" at NIT Calicut | Pics

April 2023: Anveshan Setu fellows Ashok Yadav and Kathiravan P are visiting PreCog | Pics

April 2023: PK gives a talk about "How to write a (good) research paper" at Woxsen University | Pics | Slides

March 2023: PK will be in 10th Hiedelberg Laureate Forum’s YRS committee | Pics

March 2023: "Effect of Feedback on Drug Consumption Disclosures on Social Media" accepted at 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM' 23), June 5th-8th, 2023, Limassol, Cyprus | Paper

March 2023: "Social Re-Identification Assisted RTO Detection for E-Commerce" in Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (WWW ’23 Companion), April 30-May 4, 2023, Austin, TX, USA | Paper

March 2023: Shashwat Goel's paper "Towards Adversarial Evaluations for Inexact Machine Unlearning" cited in "Towards Unbounded Machine Unlearning" by Google Brain | Paper | Google Brain Paper

February 2023: "Are Models Trained on Indian Legal Data Fair?" accepted at 3rd Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL), February 24th-26th, 2023, Hyderabad, India | Paper

February 2023: 3rd Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL) is being organised from February 24th-26th, 2023 at IIIT Hyderabad | Pics

February 2023: PK hosts 3rd Symposium on AI and Law (SAIL) 2023 at IIIT Hyderabad on 24-26 February | Poster | Pics

February 2023: Pranjal Kandhari joins PreCog as Research Associate | Poster

February 2023: PK and Nidhi Goyal (PhD student) attend ACM India Annual Event| Pics 1 | Pics 2 |

January 2023: PK has a 1:1 conversation with Prof. Narendra Ahuja | Pics | Wikipedia

January 2023: Aryamann T. from IIT Gandhinagar joins us as Research Associate | Pics

January 2023: Workshop on Social Computing to be held at IIIT Hyderabad on 4 Fev, 2023 (1500 - 1800hrs IST) | Announcement | Workshop pics | Register

January 2023: PreCog's work showcased to Minister of IT, Shri Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao (KTR) at IIIT Hyderabad | Pics

January 2023: Hitkul successfully defends the comprehensive exam "Modeling Online User Interactions and their Offline effects on Socio-Technical Platforms" | Post | Report | Slides | Summary

January 2023: JobXMLC: EXtreme Multi-Label Classification of Job Skills with Graph Neural Networks. Accepted at Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023.| Paper

January 2023: Anmol Agarwal, Anmol Goel, Bhavyajeet Singh, Nidhi Goyal and Shivangi Singhal selected for Google Research week in Bangalore during 29-31st January 2023 | Pics | GRW Pics

January 2023: Precog celebrated its 12th birthday | Post

December 2022: PK join Academic Council of JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur | Post

December 2022: PK blogs Dipjyoti Bisharad's journey from NPTEL course to MS in CS from GaTech | Blog

December 2022: PK as speaker at ACM India Winter School on “Topics in Digital Trust” at IIT Bombay| Pics | Event pics

December 2022: PK visits Qualcomm Hyderabad campus | Pics

December 2022: PK is a member of Faculty Selection Committee at SRM University, AP) | Pics

December 2022: Workshop on Social Computing to be held at IIIT Hyderabad on 28 Dec, 2022 (1500 - 1800hrs IST) | Announcement

December 2022: Nidhi Goyal, PhD student attends 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML) 2022 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4

December 2022: Anmol Goel, Masters student presents his paper at The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) at Abu Dhabi | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3

December 2022: Towards Effective Paraphrasing for Information Disguise. Accepted at ECIR 2023 (short paper) | Paper

December 2022: PK visits Microsoft Hyderabad | Pics

December 2022: PK will be teaching 7th edition of Privacy and Security in Online Social Media on NPTEL, starting January 2023 | Registration | Course Teaser video | Pics

December 2022: PK attends IIIT Delhi convocation | Pics

December 2022: PK in researcher spotlight at Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI), IIT Madras | Pics

December 2022: Prof. Ashwin Rajadesingan visits IIIT H | Poster | Pics

December 2022: Anmol Goel receives Diversity and Inclusion subsidy to attend EMNLP 2022 in Abu Dhabi | Pics

December 2022: PK gives talk titled "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" at IIIT Una induction | Pics

November 2022: [Job Alert] PreCog is looking for 4 Full-time-in-person-at-IIITH Research Associate | More info

November 2022: "Warning: It’s a scam!! Towards understanding the Employment Scams using Knowledge Graphs" accepted at ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD 2023) YRS track. Bombay, Jan 4 - 7, 2023

November 2022: Interaction with "Advanced/PG Level Certification Program in AI & ML" students visiting IIIT-H campus | Pics

November 2022: PK visits IIITDM Kancheepuram | Pics

October 2022: "Fake News in India: Scale, Diversity, Solution, and Opportunities" published in Communications of the ACM, Nov 2022 edition | Full article | Full Magazine

October 2022: PK visits IIIT Una | Pics | Convocation Pics

October 2022: Our paper "An Unsupervised, Geometric and Syntax-aware Quantification of Polysemy" accepted at Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2022 | Pre-print

October 2022: Our paper "A Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevance Feedback" accepted at Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2023 | Paper | Supplement

October 2022: PK receives 10,000th citation | Google Scholar | Post

September 2022: We with ETH Zurich receive 212,104 CHF to study "Homophily and the Spread of (Dis)Information in Social Media" from SNSF-ICSSR-MoES | Details | Post

September 2022: PK delivers a "Master Class" on "Leveraging Social Media for Financial Advice" | Pics | Slides

September 2022: PK interacts with students for The IIIT podcast | Pics | Video

September 2022: PK selected as CODSCOMAD 2023 Applied Data Science Track PC Chair | Pics

September 2022: PK's blog on the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Will by Will Smith & Mark Manson | Pics

September 2022: Our paper "Understanding the Impact of Awards on Award Winners and the Community on Reddit" accepted as short paper at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2022 | Pre-print

September 2022: Our paper "The Pursuit of Being Heard: An Unsupervised Approach to Narrative Detection in Online Protest" accepted as short paper at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2022 | Pre-print

August 2022: Dr. Nishtha Phutela defends her PhD thesis on "Development of Stress Induction and Detection System to Study its Effect on Brain" | Thesis Document | Slides | Defence pics | Convocation pics

August 2022: PK conducts a two day workshop on Computational Social Science at IIT Madras | Pics

August 2022: Mallika Subramanian blogs her experience with us "Learn, Bond, Grow @ Precog!" | Blog

August 2022: Our 1st Paper Reading session for the Fall 2022 semester. | Paper | Pics

August 2022: Our paper "A study on the Evolution of Topics and Topic Interactions in OSNs: A Temporal Approach" accepted as late breaking paper at 13th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2022

August 2022: "The Times They Are-a-Changin": The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Online Music Sharing in India, accepted at 13th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2022 | Pre-print

August 2022: PK will be at IIT Madras for an in-person 5 hour workshop on 26-27 August 2022. | Poster

August 2022: PK gave a talk at IGDTUW as a part of their orientation program | Poster

August 2022: Ritwik Mishra defended his comprehensive exam on "A Framework for Automatic Question Answering in Indian Languages” | Pic | Slides | Summary | Report

August 2022: PK starting a new position as Associate Researcher (adjunct position) at Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI), IIT Madras | Pic

July 2022: Summer Institute of Computational Social Science wrap up | Pic

July 2022: PK visits IIT Madras | Pic

July 2022: Prof. Kiran Garimella visits IIIT-H to give a talk at SICSS'22 | Pic

July 2022: Hiring 3-4 full time Research Associates | Apply

July 2022: Shashwat Goel visiting Université Paris Dauphine - PSL for a 3 month internship with CNRS France | Pic

July 2022: Prof. Rajesh Sharma from University of Tartu is visiting us | Pic

July 2022: Shivangi Singhal (pursuing PhD from IIIT Delhi) is visiting us | Pic

July 2022: PK is a part of 9th Hiedelberg Laureate Forum's 2022 Young Researcher Selection Committee | Pic

July 2022: Jivitesh Jain completes his B.Tech (Hons) from IIIT Hyderabad with a 10 CG | Pic

July 2022: Arnav Kapoor successfully defends his Masters thesis "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied Enabling Legal Artificial Intelligence via Bail Prediction on Hindi Case Documents" | Pic | Thesis Document | Full video | Slides | Code |

July 2022: Dr. Geetika Arora successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis "Efficient Indexing Techniques for Biometric Databases" at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani | Pic

June 2022: PK is giving 2 talks at Pune University on June 24| Pic

June 2022: Hitkul is visiting Flipkart for 4 months | Pic

June 2022: Megha, Precog Alumni #Classof2016 gave a gift to support students conducting research and evangelising Computational Social Science | Pic

June 2022: Tushar is visiting University of Toronto for 3 months | Pic

June 2022: Dipanwita Guhathakurta receives Micron Technology URAM Scholarship 2022 | Pic

June 2022: Shakshi Sharma, a PhD student from University of Tartu is visiting us for 3 months | Pic

June 2022: PK visited Mahindra University | Pic

June 2022: Dheeraj Reddy Pailla (B.Tech class of 2020) graduates with Masters from Georgia Institute of Technology | Pic

June 2022: Ritwik Mishra is visiting IIT Bombay for 2 months, supported by ACM India Anveshan Set Program | Pic

May 2022: Summer Institute in Computational Social Science announced| Application

May 2022: Divyansh A., Shrey Bagroy, Shubham Gupta graduate with Masters from Carnegie Mellon University| Pics

May 2022: Our paper "Learning to Automate Follow-up Question Generation using Process Knowledge for Depression Triage on Reddit Posts" accepted at the 8th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology held in conjunction with NAACL'22 | Paper | Poster

May 2022: Our paper "Erasing Labor with Labor: Dark Patterns and Lockstep Behaviors on Google Play" accepted at the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’22) | Paper

May 2022: PK visits National Stock Exchange of India Limited and National Payments Corporation Of India (NPCI)| Pic

May 2022: PK visits IIT Bombay| Pic

May 2022: PK gives a talk to IIIT Hyderabad faculty as a part of Faculty Professional Development Series| Pic

April 2022: Our paper "Ask It Right! Identifying Low-Quality questions on Community Question Answering Services" accepted at International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2022) | Pre-Print

April 2022: PK visits Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI), IIT Madras| Pic

April 2022: Our poster "Urbanization and Literacy as factors in Politicians’ Social Media Use in a largely Rural State: Evidence from Uttar Pradesh, India." accepted at COMPASS '22 | Poster

March 2022: Our paper "A Tale of Two Sides: Study of Protesters and Counter-protesters on #CitizenshipAmendmentAct Campaign on Twitter" accepted at WebSci-2022 | Pre-Print

March 2022: Our paper "VacSIM: Learning Effective Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution using Reinforcement Learning" accepted at the Journal of Intelligence-Based Medicine. 2022. | Pre-Print

March 2022: Our paper "TweetBoost: Influence of Social Media on NFT Valuation" accepted at FinWeb-2022 (Workshop at WWW '2022) | Pre-Print

March 2022: Our work "Twitter-STMHD: An Extensive User-Level Database of Multiple Mental Health Disorders." accpeted at the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM' 22). | Pre-Print

March 2022: Our work "Effect of Popularity Shocks on User Behaviour." accepted at the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). | Pre-Print

March 2022: Our work "FactDrill: A Data Repository of Fact-checked Social Media Content to Study Fake News Incidents in India." accepted at the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). | Pre-Print

Feb 2022: Our work "Leveraging Intra and Inter Modality Relationship for Multimodal Fake News Detection" accepted at MUWS, co-located with The WebConf (WWW) 2022 | Pre-Print

Feb 2022: Our paper "TweetBoost: Influence of Social Media on NFT Valuation" accepted at FinWeb-2022 (Workshop at WWW '2022) | Pre-Print

Feb 2022: Our paper "Stress Classification Using Brain Signals Based on LSTM Network" accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022. | Paper

Feb 2022: Our paper "Diagnosing Data from ICTs to Provide Focused Assistance in Agricultural Adoptions" accepted at ICTD 2022 | Paper

Feb 2022: Our paper "HLDC: Hindi Legal Documents Corpus" accepted at ACL 2022. | Pre-Print

Feb 2022: Our paper "SyMCoM - Syntactic Measure of Code Mixing A Study Of English-Hindi Code-Mixing" accepted at Findings of ACL 2022. | Pre-Paper

Feb 2022: Prof. PK, a source of inspiration for the larger computing community, featured in "People of ACM"!

Feb 2022: Our UP Elections analysis covered on Media Business Standard , The Hindu

Feb 2022: Applications open now for Summer School on Computational Social Science! | Apply Here

Feb 2022: Our paper "CoWIN: Really Winning? Analysing Inequity in India’s Vaccination Response" online now! | Paper | Blog | Twitter Thread

Feb 2022: We will be hosting Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, SICSS – India, in July 2022! Details & Apply

Jan 2022: Our UP Elections analysis blogs: Hashtag Analysis , Cast of Characters

Jan 2022: Our paper "TweetBoost: Influence of Social Media on NFT Valuation" online now! | Paper | Twitter Thread

Jan 2022: Our paper “HashSet - A Dataset For Hashtag Segmentation” online now! | Paper | Twitter Thread | Code

Jan 2022: Our paper "EEG Based Stress Classification in Response to Stress Stimulus" accepted at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology | Paper

Jan 2022: Our paper "FakeNewsIndia: A Benchmark Dataset of Fake News Incidents in India, Collection Methodology and Impact Assesment in Social Media" accepted at Journal of Computer Communications| Paper

December 2021: PK Honoured with the designation of 'ACM Distinguished Member' | Pics

Nov 2021: Our paper "What's Kooking? Characterizing India's Emerging Social Network, Koo" awarded Best Student Paper at the IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '21) | Paper | Blog | Slides

Nov 2021: Prashant Kodali successfully defends his Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam | Report | Slides

Oct 2021: Our paper "'I'll be back': Examining Restored Accounts On Twitter" accepted at The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT (2021)| Paper

Oct 2021: Our paper "Efficient Representation of Interaction Patterns with Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering for Classification of Users on Twitter" accepted at The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT (2021) | Paper

Oct 2021: Our paper "Truth and Travesty Intertwined: A Case Study of #SSR Counter public Campaign" accepted at FOSINT-SI | Paper

Sep 2021: Our paper "Inter-modality Discordance for Multimodal Fake News Detection." accepted at ACM Multimedia Asia (MMAsia ’21) | Paper

Sep 2021: Our work ranked 3rd of 6 teams across all shared tasks at the HASOC '21 challenge at FIRE '21 | Paper | Blog

Sep 2021: Our analysis on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments ranked 6 of 15 at the GermEval Workshop at KONVENS '21 | Paper | Presentation

Sep 2021: Our paper "What's Kooking? Characterizing India's Emerging Social Network, Koo" accepted at IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '21) | Paper | Blog | Slides

Sep 2021: Our work "“A Virus Has No Religion”: Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter During the COVID-19 Outbreak" presented at 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’21) | Presentation

Sep 2021: Shreya Sharma successfully defended her Masters thesis | Thesis Document | Slides

Sep 2021: Today's The Hindu, page 3 | Online Version

July 2021: Our paper "(Un)Masked COVID-19 Trends from Social Media" accepted at Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Public Health and Surveillance. | Paper

July 2021: Our paper "Psychometric Analysis and Coupling of Emotions Between State Bulletins and Twitter in India during COVID-19 Infodemic", accepted at Frontiers in Communication, section Health Communication. | Paper

July 2021: Our work on AI framework for operationalizing Data Quality gets included in the National Guidelines for Data Quality in Surveys. Joint work with Sezal, Priya, & Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi.

July 2021: Our Fall Paper Reading schedule | Register | Join the List

July 2021: Our work on Data Exchange, National Digital Health Mission NDHM platform featured in Vigyan Prasar (magazine), , a Government of India organization. | Section | Joint work with Prof. Tavpritesh Sethi & Team

July 2021: Starting Jan 2022 PK will be teaching Online Privacy on NPTEL / Swayam. Syllabus & Topics

July 2021: PK’s podcast on driving factors of life, energy from students, when and why do #ProfGiri-ing, some best moments of life. | Video

July 2021: Our paper "“A Virus Has No Religion”: Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter During the COVID-19 Outbreak" accepted at 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’21) | Paper | Dataset

June 2021: Our paper “Tweet-Scan-Post - A system for Analysis of Sensitive Private Data Disclosure in Online Social Media” accepted at Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) 2021. | Paper

June 2021: Our paper “KCNet: Kernel-based Canonicalization Network for entities in Recruitment Domain” accepted at 30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2021 | Paper

June 2021: Our paper “Spy The Lie: Fraudulent Jobs Detection in Recruitment Domain using Knowledge Graphs” accepted at 14th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM) 2021 | Paper

April 2021: Our paper “Subverting the Jewtocracy: Online Antisemitism Detection Using Multimodal Deep Learning” accepted at 13th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci) 2021 | Paper | Code

April 2021: Our work on Koo App covered by The Print

April 2021: PK interacted with 70+ students at IITH Research showcase. | Flier | Pics

April 2021: South China Morning Post, covered our work on KillFies.

March 2021: Our work on Koo App covered by Business Standard

March 2021: Our technical report “Koo: The new King? Characterizing India's Emerging Social Network” | Paper | Dataset | Blog | Video

Feb 2021: Our paper “On the Vulnerability of Community Structure in Complex Networks” accepted for publication in Principles of Social Networking: The New Horizon and Emerging Challenge, Springer, 2021 | Paper

Feb 2021: Mohit Chandra successfully defended his Masters thesis | Thesis Document | Slides | Pics

Feb 2021: USA Today quoted our work on Capitol Riots and Parler Data Analysis.

Jan 2021: Our technical report “Capitol (Pat)riots: A comparative study of Twitter and Parler” | Paper | Dataset | Infographic

Jan 2021: Precog celebrates its 10th Birthday | Pics

Nov 2020: PK is part of World’s Top 2% scientist list by Stanford | Article

Nov 2020: Join our Open to All paper reading session on 23 November. Paper "Factoring Fact-Checks: Structured Information Extraction from Fact-Checking Articles" | Register to attend

Nov 2020: “I only TRULY appreciated the value of learning about confidence intervals, p values, multiple comparisons and the class in general after working at Yelp.” says Rohan Katyal, B.Tech, #Classof2016 | Full message

Nov 2020: 20+ students and faculty joined our Open to All paper reading session | Pics

Nov 2020: #Amazon #DeutscheTelekom #Expedia #GoldmanSachs #Google #Intuit #JPMorgan #Mathworks #Oracle #Qualcomm #RBS are the organisations that Precogs (from #IIITD & #IIITH) will start as full-time or interns from Summer 2021 | Flier

Oct 2020: Our paper “Detecting Lexical Semantic Change across Corpora with Smooth Manifolds” accepted at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021.

Oct 2020: Our paper “AbuseAnalyzer: Abuse Detection, Severity and Target Prediction for GabPosts” accepted at 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) 2020 | Paper

Oct 2020: 55+ enthusiastic Ph.D. students & faculty attended "Strategies for Scientific Communication" talk at SSNCE Research Scholars’ Colloquium | Slides | Video

Oct 2020: 155+ gradschool aspiring students attended the AMA | Full video | FAQs about admissions.

Oct 2020: Ph.D. Clinic completed 50 sessions | Flier | Register Here to interact with a mentor.

Oct 2020: PK’s AMA session with Prof. Balaram Ravindran and Prof. Madhavan Mukund on doing Ph.D. in Computing. 80+ students attended | Video

Oct 2020: Devansh Manu successfully defended his Masters thesis | Thesis Document | Slides | Blog | Pics

Oct 2020: Our paper “A Geometric Measure of Polysemy in Hindi Language” accepted at CODS-COMAD 2021 in Young Researchers’ Symposium.

Oct 2020: Our Paper Reading session goes Open-To-All, Register to attend.

Oct 2020: Our work "Who Won it Online? A comparative study of 2019 Indian General Elections on Twitter" won the Best Poster Award at Social Informatics 2020 | Poster | Video | Award

Oct 2020: PK’s blog on the book “Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers” by Tim Ferriss.

Oct 2020: Rishabh Kaushal successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis | Thesis Document | Slides | Flier | Video

Sep 2020: PK gave a talk on KillFies, GeneralElections2019 and FakeNews at Vaibhav Summit | Slides | Pics

Sep 2020: Rishabh Kaushal’s Ph.D. thesis defense on User Identity Linkage: Data Collection, DataSet Biases, Method, Control and Application. Oct 5 2020, 1230IST | Video Link | Flier

Sep 2020: Shradha Sehgal, UG student secured Rank 3 in the ACM-W India virtual Poster Presentation Competition for UG/PG girl students | Poster | Slides | Video

Sep 2020: The Times of India, covered our work on E-Challans.

Sep 2020: Our paper “imdpGAN: Generating Private and Specific Data with Generative Adversarial Networks” accepted at IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications 2020 | Paper

Aug 2020: PK’s blog on the book “Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More” by Chris Bailey.

Aug 2020: Prajwal Renukanand blogs his experience with us “A Journey Down the Precog Memory Lane”.

Aug 2020: Our paper Analyzing Traffic Violations through e-challan System in Metropolitan Cities (Workshop Paper) accepted at 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020 | Paper

Aug 2020: Our paper Are Bot Humans? Analysis of bot accounts in 2019 Indian Lok Sabha election (Workshop Paper) accepted at 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020 | Paper

Aug 2020: PK’s blog on the book “What I Know For Sure” by Oprah Winfrey.

Aug 2020: 55+ Precog Alums met virtually, students from the 1st batch of #IIITD to the 2020 batch of both #IIITD & #IIITH joined | Pics

Aug 2020: PK completed 11 years as a faculty at IIITD.

Jul 2020: We started PhD Clinic for Social Network along with Prof Mainack Mondal, Prof Rajiv Ratn and Dr Niharika Sachdeva | Book a slot | Flier

Jul 2020: Aanshul received the Gold Medal for highest CGPA in the graduating class, Kanay received the Best All-Rounder & Shritishma received Gold Medal for B.Tech. in ECE. #IIITHConvocation | Pics

Jul 2020: Aanshul Sadaria blogs his experience with us “At the crossroads: (with) Precog”.

Jul 2020: Saurabh Gupta, Ph.D. student won the 1st runner up for i4C blog competition in the Innovative Cyber Security and Data Privacy practices | Blog

Jul 2020: Hitkul Jangra, Ph.D. student received TCS Ph.D. Research Scholarship.

Jul 2020: Shradha Sehgal, received Google 2020 Asia Pacific Women Techmakers Scholarship.

Jul 2020: Shreya Jain successfully defended her Masters thesis #IIITH | Thesis | Slides

Jul 2020: PK started as Visiting Professor at CSE department of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

June 2020: PK’s blog on the book “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight.

June 2020: Arpita Chandra blogs her experience with us “The Tale of my coincidental thesis featuring Ponguru as the Guru”.

June 2020: PK gave an online-keynote at ACM Summer Workshop-cum-Internship on Data Science & Machine Learning | Slides | Pics

June 2020: Our alum Kaninka Narang B.Tech. 2012 successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis “User Behaviour Modelling: Towards Solving the Duality of Interpretability and Precision” at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

June 2020: PK’s blog on the book "Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping our Future" by Ashlee Vance.

June 2020: PK got elected for ACM - Association for Computing Machinery India, Executive Council.

June 2020: Shreya Jain blogs her experience with us “Once upon a time working under (strikethrough) with PK”.

June 2020: #CastYourVote #ACMIndiaElection PK is contesting the 2020 ACM India Council Elections. Please Vote

June 2020: Our paper Analysing How the Shift in Discourses on Social Media Affected the Narrative Around the Indian General Election 2019 accepted at Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences | Paper

June 2020: Our paper ‘Will I Regret for This Tweet?’—Twitter User’s Behavior Analysis System for Private Data Disclosure accepted at The Computer Journal | Paper

June 2020: Our paper Hashtags are (not) judgmental: The untold story of Lok Sabha elections 2019 accepted at 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020 | Paper | Dataset

May 2020: Our paper Exploring Shifts in Online Political Discourse: A Study of the 2014 and 2019 National Elections in India was accepted at Annual Conference of the European Association of Political Science (EPSA) | Paper

May 2020: Family [Research group] that eats together stays together, Face savouring food. Precogs had a virtual lunch! | Pic

May 2020: Satya, #chatbot integrated with #WashKaro, see it in action. Image | Download

May 2020: Our Twitter Dataset (5.9 million tweets) related to COVID-19 from India is now public. Dashboard | Download

May 2020: IIIT Profs. to develop virus management platform | The Hindu, Page 3

May 2020: Why this myth and fake news buster app by IIIT Delhi profs is the coolest thing in this COVID-19 world | EdexLive of The New Indian Express

May 2020: Delhi Govt join hands with IIITDelhi to manage COVID-19 crisis | The Statesman, Page 2

May 2020: CovidNLP is live now! | Technical Report

May 2020: Three IIIT Delhi professors to work with the Govt of NCT of Delhi for developing and maintaining the IT platform for COVID-19 Management | India Education Diary

May 2020: कोरोना से लड़ाई में बेहद कारगर हैं आईआईटी के ये ऐप | Jagran News

April 2020: Professors from a Delhi Institute Develop New App to Flush Out Fake News about Coronavirus | News 18

April 2020: Saurabh’s Paper accepted at IEEE SmartDataServices 2020 | Paper

April 2020: WashKaro covered by Times of India | NDTV | The New Indian Express

April 2020: WashKaro covered by Education Times of Times of India.

April 2020: WashKaro coverd by Dainik Jagran | Indian Express/ PTI | Amar Ujala

April 2020: Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi & PK are part of the Technology Innovation Group for COVID-19 by Delhi Government | Order

April 2020: WashKaro was covered by India Today English.

April 2020: We are looking for volunteers to help translate WashKaro in other Indian and Foreign languages. Please help

April 2020: Dr. Mainack Mondal, Faculty of Computer Science at IIT Kharagpur gave a guest lecture on “User Privacy in Social Media” in our CSE648: Privacy & Security in Online Social Media course.

April 2020: Washkaro covered by India Today Hindi.

April 2020: Dr. Hemank Lamba, Post Doc. at Carnegie Mellon University and IIITD’s B.Tech. Classof2012 gave a guest lecture on “Modeling User Behavior on Socio-Technical Systems Patterns and Anomalies” in our CSE648 course.

April 2020: PK’s blog on the book “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon” by Brad Stone.

April 2020: Washkaro, got covered by Millenium Post.

April 2020: Our Work with Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi Washkaro app was covered on Hindustan.

April 2020: PK hosted an #AMA (Ask Me Anything) session about deciding on graduate schools and programs. Video | FAQs

April 2020: Our collaborative work on Covid19 with Clinician Data-Scientist Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi & Systems Biologist Dr. Sriram K was covered by the Indian Express. Newspaper Clipping

April 2020: Our work Washkaro was presented by Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi at infodemicCOVID19 organized by World Health Organization.

March 2020: Our paper Modeling Citation Trajectories of Scientific Papers, in PAKDD 2020. Paper

March 2020: We are now teaching online. Pics

March 2020: Sonu Gupta #RA #Classof2018 will be joining Ph.D. in Informatics at Penn State University.

March 2020: Shrey Bagroy #IIITDAlumni #Classof2018, Divyansh Aggarwal #RA #Classof2019 and Rohan Katyal #IIITDAlumni #Classof2016 visited and interacted with current students. Pics

Feb 2020: PK visited Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) and Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), gave a talk and interacted with students and faculty. Pics

Feb 2020: PK gave a talk on Combating Drug Trafficking at BIMSTEC Conference. Pics

Feb 2020: PK is a Mentor for Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)'s Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science (IRIS) program. Pics

Feb 2020: PK visited IIT Guwahati, was part of the panel of examiners for Ph.D. Thesis, gave a talk and interacted with students and faculty. Pics

Jan 2020: Our Alum Ashwin Rajadesingan receives Facebook Ph.D. fellowship in the area of Computational Social Science.

Jan 2020: Precog celebrates its 9th Birthday. Pics

Jan 2020: Our work on distracted driving was covered by Hindustan. Website | Paper | Slides

Dec 2019: PK is offering the 4th edition of Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) course on NPTEL. Register Now | Course Site | Video | Flier

Dec 2019: PK gave a talk at 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Ahmedabad. Pics

Dec 2019: PK was part of the Selection Committee for the IUSSTF-Viterbi internship Program. Pics

Dec 2019: Tutorial by Prof. Anwitaman Dutta, NTU on Bitcoin network analysis and applications to forensics.

Dec 2019: Our paper Analysing How the Shift in Discourses on Social Media Affected the Narrative Around the Indian General Election 2019 accepted at 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences (RSSCONF).

Nov 2019: The Times of India, November 28, covered our work on Gujarat E-Challans.

Nov 2019: Our paper Investigation of Biases in Identity Linkage DataSets accepted at 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2020).

Nov 2019: PK gave a talk on Fake News, Elections, and Online Social Media at Delhi Technical University, as part of the TEQIP III program on Graph Theory and its Applications. Pics

Nov 2019: Our paper NeXLink: Node Embedding Framework for Cross-Network Linkages Across Social Networks accepted at International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci-X 2020). Paper

Nov 2019: Our Alum Hemank Lamba B.Tech. 2012 successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “Modeling User Behaviour on Socio-Technical Systems Patterns and Anomalies” at Carnegie Mellon.

Nov 2019: Our paper Detection of Misbehaviors in Clone Identities on Online Social Networks accepted at 7th International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2019).

Nov 2019: PK gave a talk as part of ACM Eminent Speaker Program Series, organized by Persistent Systems in Pune. Pics

Nov 2019: Our paper Methods for User Profiling Across Social Networks accepted at 12th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2019). Paper

Nov 2019: PK gave a talk on distracted driving and #killfies work at Cadence Design Systems, Noida, as part of their Advanced Technical Talks. Pics

Nov 2019: PK got promoted to Full Professor at IIIT Delhi.

Nov 2019: Building Better Interface, 2019 edition was covered by The Indian Express, The Hindustan, Dainik Bhaskar, Hindustan Times, Outlook India, India TV News, PTI News and Business Standard.

Nov 2019: The Times of India, November 13, covered our work on Characterizing Traffic Violations.

Nov 2019: Blog on the analysis on Characterizing Traffic Violations in Ahmedabad.

Nov 2019: Indian Express, Page 1, November 6, covered our work on Characterizing Traffic Violations in Gujarat.

Oct 2019: Prateek, our PhD Alum #Classof2017 visited and interacted with current students. Pics

Oct 2019: Our paper Automating Fake News Detection System using Multi-level Voting Model accepted at Journal of Soft computing. Paper

Oct 2019: Arpita Chandra successfully defended her Masters thesis #IIITH. Thesis | Slides | Video

Oct 2019: PK hosted a session with Prof. Lorrie Cranor from CMU on Preparing, Applying and Deciding on Graduate Schools in the US. Video

Oct 2019: PK visited LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, gave a talk and interacted with students and faculty. Pics

Oct 2019: Our comprehensive analysis on e-challans of #AhmedabadPolice in #Gujarat during Sept 2015-Aug 2019. Paper | Infographic

Sep 2019: PK hosted a Session on Graduate School Application / Admissions. Interacted with 60+ aspirants about admission process, programs, SOP, LOR, CGPA, GRE / TOEFL. Video | FAQ | Pics

Sep 2019: PK inaugurated the academic year technical activities of NMAMIT's ACM Chapter, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk at NMAMIT, Nitte. Pics

Sep 2019: PK visited NIT Surathkal, gave a talk and interacted with student and faculty.

Sep 2019: PK visited NIT Trichy, Inaugurated the academic year technical activities of Computer Science and Engineering Association, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk.

Sep 2019: Indraneil's Masters Thesis defense. September 14, 2019. Thesis | Slides | Flier | Video

Sep 2019: PK visited Manipal University Jaipur, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk.

Sep 2019: PK’s session on Graduate School admissions with Prof. Lorrie Cranor from CMU. Oct 11, 2019. Flier

Sep 2019: PK will host a session on graduate school applications on Sept 28, recommended for those applying to graduate school in the following academic year.

Sep 2019: PK visited IIT Patna, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk.

Aug 2019: PK visited IIT Bhilai, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk.

Aug 2019: Vaibhav Garg, #Classof2019 received Best M.Tech Thesis Award for his work on 'Detecting Fake Profiles on Online Matrimony'. Thesis | Slides | Video | Pics

Aug 2019: Ayush Shah, #PrecogAlum received 'JN Tata Endowment Scholarship for higher education'

Aug 2019: PK visited IIT Kanpur, Interacted with faculty & students and gave a talk.

Aug 2019: PK was part of a panel discussion on "AI for a smart and connected world". Pics

Aug 2019: Anu successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Some improvements of Context Aware Recommendation Systems using Cross Domain Knowledge”, Advisor was Prof Anuja Aror from JIIT. PK was an examiner for Anu’s defense.

Aug 2019: UMBC's faculty Prof. Karuna Pande Joshi gave a talk on “Towards An Automated Semantically Rich Framework for Big Data Compliance.”

Aug 2019: Ashwin Rajadesingan, #PrecogAlum 2012 visited, gave a talk on "Large-Scale Analysis of Matrimonial Profiles", and interacted with current students. Pics

Aug 2019: Our work “Towards Increased Accessibility of Meme Images with the help of Rich Face Emotion Captions.” got accepted at ACM MultiMedia. Paper | Data

Aug 2019: PK gave a talk on Machine Learning & Social Media in DTU.

Aug 2019: PK completed a decade as faculty at IIIT Delhi

July 2019: Dheeraj from IIITH says "Ode to PK (and Precog)" in his blog on working with us!

July 2019: Rishabh, our Ph.D. student won the Best Summer School Project Award at the Summer School on Methods of Computational Social Science. Award

July 2019: Soujanya from IIITH pens her experience "PK: A ‘guru’ to remember!"

July 2019: Megha, our Alum #Classof2016 visited and interacted with current students. Pics

July 2019: Sayan currently studying at CMU & #PrecogIntern in 2018 shares his experience "A Juice Worth The Squeeze".

July 2019: We co-organized the ACM Summer School on Cybersecurity and Data Analytics. 45+ participants, 13 speakers, 2 weeks. Pics

July 2019: PK gave a “Machine Learning & Social Media” talk to 150+ ML enthusiasts at the 4th Summer School on Machine Learnign at IIIT Hyderabad. Pics | Slides

July 2019: PK was a jury at Grand Finale of NXP India Young Innovators Design Challenge 2019. 50+ Young Innovators (11 - 15 years old) presented their ideas. Pics

July 2019: PK got quoted on IndiaToday Union Budget 2019: Leading educationists laud research initiative in education budget

July 2019: PK started as Associate Dean of Students Affairs (DOSA) at IIIT Delhi!

June 2019: Shiven shares his experience "Journey of two years, learnings of a lifetime – My Precog Experience"

June 2019: Soumya from IIITH shares her experience "My journey with the Ponguru"

June 2019: Kanay Gupta blogs his experience with us "Journey with PK – An odyssey known as #profgiri".

June 2019: Vaibhav's Masters Thesis defense. June 28, 2019. Thesis | Slides | Flier | Video

June 2019: Vani’s Masters Thesis defense. June 5, 2019. Thesis | Slides | Flier | Video

June 2019: Our blog on "Know Our Ministers: Social Media Report Cards of Our Ministers"

June 2019: Dhruv Kuchhal, #RA #Classof2019 blogs about his experience with us: "Why PreCog, you ask?"

May 2019: Paper Attentional Road Safety Networks. Accepted at 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, September 22-25, 2019. Paper

May 2019: Vedant Nanda, #BTech #Classof2019 blogs about his experience with us: "Precog: The Extraordinary Voyage"

May 2019: Our analysis on #MainBhiChowkidar covered in regional / Tamil media Vikatan EMagazine "மோடியை ஃபாலோ செய்த 2,29,364 சௌக்கிதார்கள்... தேர்தலின் ட்விட்டர் சுவாரஸ்யங்கள்!"

May 2019: "Twitter sees record activity during Elections" Business Standard, Page 8, May 24, 2019.

May 2019: Business Standard covers our Elections analysis Change of guard: #Chowkidaar prefix to make way for new campaign May 24, 2019.

May 2019: Mentioned over 2 lakh times, #ElectionResults2019 trends worldwide Exchange4Media May 24, 2019.

May 2019: Elections counting data analysis. 407,083 tweets, 252,143 retweets, 119,314 unique users, 140,475 original tweets, 14,465 quotes, 58 geo-tagged tweets

May 2019: Our comprehensive (all phases together) #LokSabhaElections2019 analysis featured in exchange4media "Modi wins battle of hashtags as total tweets on polling days stand at 1.74mn"

May 2019: Our #LokSabhaElections2019 #Phase7 analysis featured in exchange4media "Polling action on Twitter runs out of steam as voting comes to an end"

May 2019: Our Selfie Deaths / KillFie work featured in international media Journal Gazette, SCMP, TribLive, Stuff, Claims Journal

May 2019: Washington Post features our selfie work "A checklist for taking safe selfies"

May 2019: Our Selfie work featured on The Inquirer, Daily News & Stuff

May 2019: Daksh presented our work "Travel time estimation accuracy in developing regions: An empirical case study with Uber data in Delhi-NCR" at The Web Conference (formerly WWW). Pics | Poster

May 2019: Exchange4Media covers our Phase 6 analysis Lok Sabha elections: Twitter recovers lost enthusiasm in Phase 6 P6 exchange media

May 2019: Business Standard covers our ECI "Know Your Candidates" analysis LS polls: Politicians still have a long way to become online personalities

May 2019: Our work of #FakeNews featured in How India’s Premier Engineering Institutes Are Using #AI To Make #SocialMedia A #Safe Place

May 2019: Real-time analysis of #Phase6 of #LokSabhaElections2019. Join us

May 2019: Paper "A Distant Supervision Based Approach to Medical Persona Classification" Accepted at Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2019.

May 2019: Our #LokSabhaElections2019 #Phase5 analysis featured "Twitterati shows fatigue as Lok Sabha election completes Phase 5"

May 2019: Our work on #Selfies featured on Reuters today! "Phones could help guard against selfie deaths, medics say"

May 2019: Our #LokSabhaElections2019 #Phase4 analysis featured in Business Standard "Lok Sabha polls Phase-4: What Twitter trends show about parties, candidates"

May 2019: Real-time analysis of #Phase5 of #LokSabhaElections2019. Join us

May 2019: Our #Phase4 analysis featured in Exchange4Media "Dip in Twitter user participation as India completes Phase 4 voting"

April 2019: It’s been 10 years since PK defended his Ph.D. thesis. Flier | Thesis | Slides

April 2019: Srishti Gupta successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis | Slides | Flier | Video

April 2019: Stunning performance by students of CSE583: Big Data Policing. Posters Stay tuned for the blogs!

April 2019: Our #Phase3 analysis featured in Business Standard today "Lok Sabha polls phase III: Here's what set trends on social media platforms"

April 2019: Our #Phase3 analysis featured in Exchange4Media "Polls on Twitter: BJP & Modi lead in Phase 3 as well"

April 2019: Our #Phase2 analysis featured in Business Standard "How the hashtags fared during second phase of Lok sabha elections" Physical paper | Online version

April 2019: Our #Phase2 analysis featured in Exchange4Media in TOP News "Modi & BJP win battle of tweets and hashtags in Phase 2 of voting"

April 2019: Real-time analysis of #Phase3 of #LokSabhaElections2019 Join us

April 2019: Srishti Gupta, Ph.D. thesis defense #5 1830hrs IST, april 25, 2019. Flier | Join the defense

April 2019: Our Elections work got featured in India Today. Elections Humour Factory. Interview / Video | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4

April 2019: Real-time analysis of #Phase2 of #LokSabhaElections2019 Join us

April 2019: Popular hashtags (frequency, temporal), popular mentions, 1st tweet, 1st Inked tweet, popular locations, #GotInked tweets, #FirstTimeVoter analysis, constituency vs candidates. Our analysis of #Phase1 #LokSabhaElections2019!

April 2019: Our comprehensive analysis of Social Media presence of @narendramodi & @rahulgandhi. "NaMo Vs RaGa: On Twitter, YouTube Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn"

April 2019: Our blog on Who-Follows-Whom?, #ChaupalOnTwitter, Political Satire Videos #LokSabhaElections2019

April 2019: Our work on #LokSabhaElections2019 and MIME was recorded for Aaj Tak. Pics.

April 2019: Paper "What Sets Verified Users Apart? Insights, Analysis and Prediction of Verified Users on Twitter" Accepted at 11th ACM Conference on Web Science.

April 2019: Rishabh receives travel grant to participate in the CSS Summer School in Berlin July 21 - 27, 2019.

April 2019: Paper "Signals Matter: Understanding Popularity and Impact of Users on Stack Overflow" Accepted at The Web Conference (formerly known as WWW), San Francisco, May 13-17, 2019. Paper | Code | Dataset.

April 2019: Paper "Travel time estimation accuracy in developing regions: An empirical case study with Uber data in Delhi-NCR" Accepted at AW4CITY Workshop, TheWebConf, San Francisco, May 13-17, 2019. Paper.

April 2019: Shrey & Divyansh #PrecogAlums receive 'J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship for Higher Education' 2018 - 2019 for pursuing their graduate school.

April 2019: PK gave a talk on Selfie Deaths & #Elections2019 as part of Savishkar 2K19, a start-up oriented event at Rishi M.S Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women. 100+ participants. Pics.

April 2019: Elated to bag runner up position for best student paper award at 10th International ACM Web Science Conference. Full Paper.

March 2019: Paper "Evils of Social Media: Case Study of the Blue Whale Challenge", Accepted at CHI4EVIL workshop at CHI 2019. May 4-9, 2019. Paper

March 2019: Paper "Hardening Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Cascades", Accepted at International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2019). Paper

March 2019: Front page infographic, The Times of India, March 30 featured Our work on #MainBhiChowkidar Physical paper.

March 2019: PK gave a talk on "Social Media for Central Banking / Reserve Bank of India". Slides, Pics.

March 2019: Our blog on "The #MainBhiChowkidar Campaign: 30% Verified, 36% non-verified Handles added Chowkidar to their Name".

March 2019: Business Standard covers our work on MIME, a social network for MEME enthusiasts.

March 2019: The Times of India, Page 5, March 21 covered our work, "Get a handle on this: Women calling poll shots on Twitter". Physical paper.

March 2019: PK did a #AMA on #PhDLife #Research Youtube video, Facebook video

March 2019: PK gave a talk on #Elections2019 & KillFies at Shiv Nadar University as part of the National Seminar on Cybersecurity. Pics.

March 2019: Our blog "Female Political Handles: Followed by more, Post more, Re-tweet more, and Follow less". Dashboard #Elections2019

March 2019: The Times of India, Page 2, March 9, "Battleground Twitter: Verified Political handles up 1,663% in 5 yrs."

March 2019: PK gave a talk on Social Media Risk Communication & #Elections2019 at IIITDM Jabalpur as part of the Design Workshop. Pics

March 2019: Our blog "Verified Political Handles: Party Distribution, Political Status, Gender Diversity, and Network Interactions". Dashboard #Elections2019

March 2019: Education Times, The Times of India, Page 2 March 4, 2019 covers our #WhatsFarzi "College Students develop an App to fight fake news"

March 2019: PK gave a talk on Social Media Risk Communication & #Elections2019 at IIT Madras as part of the WebScience Symposium. Pics

February 2019: Our work on WhatsFarzi covered in media: The Times of India, The Indian Express

February 2019: PK gave a talk on Social Media Risk Communication & #Elections2019 at IIT Madras as part of the WebScience Symposium.

February 2019: Our work presented at the R & D Showcase of IIIT Hyderabad. Pics

February 2019: Ayush Shah, #PrecogAlum blogs about his experience with us: "The Precog Land".

February 2019: PK's live conversation / discussion on the NPTEL Course Privacy & Security in Online Social Media. YouTube

February 2019: We are co-organizing Summer School on Cybersecurity & Data analytics at IIIT Delhi, July 8 - 18, 2019. Register

February 2019: Our app to detect Fake / Manipulated content on WhatsApp is live now on Play Store. Download

February 2019: Our Blog on Twitter's "suspect users" affects Indian political handles

February 2019: Our work on #Elections2019 covered on Business Standard

February 2019: AMA / Ask Me Anything about Ph.D. life in India. Join the conversation with PK

February 2019: PK gave a talk at VJTI Mumbai, founded in 1887! Pics

February 2019: PK gave a talk at Workshop on AI for Computational Social Science. Pics

February 2019: Paper "KidsGuard: A fine-Grained approach for child UnsAfe video Representation and Detection" Accepted at 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing. Paper | Dataset | Code

February 2019: Received Best Student Poster award at The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Hawaii / USA. "Mind Your Language: Abuse and Offence Detection for Code-Switched Languages". Award | Poster | Code

January 2019: PK’s academic tour to Goa. BITS Pilani | GIT | NIT Goa. Tour Flier

January 2019: Vasundhara Ghosh, #Classof2018 blogs about her experience with us: "A Epistle open letter to Precog, PK & RK".

January 2019: Precog celebrates its 8th Birthday. Pics

December 2018: Shrey Bagroy, #Classof2018 blogs about his experience with us: "Life on the 4th Floor".

December 2018: We are looking for interns for summer 2019, full time Research Associates, B.Tech. & M.Tech. thesis students, 1st & 2nd year students to join us. Apply here.

December 2018: Vasundhara Ghosh M.Tech. #Classof2018 IGDTUW received Vice Chancellor Gold Medal award at the convocation. Pics

November 2018: Our work on Selfie deaths / KillFies gets featured on Netflix's Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj show on Nov 25th. 19:20 mins On Netflix | 18:38 mins On YouTube

November 2018: Kushagra Singh, #Classof2018 blogs about his experience with us: "class undergradAtPrecog(IIITD):".

November 2018: 100+ visitors (including faculty & students) attended the poster session for the course Privacy and Security in Online Social Media. Pics

Has the battle for #GeneralElections2019 shifted online? Tune in, as we attempt to analyse social media data for the upcoming Elections. Blog

November 2018: Viraj Parimi, #ClassOf2019 blogs about his experience at CMU as part of Robotics Institute Summer Scholar(RISS): "A Summer to Remember".

November 2018: PK was in conversation with current students and Alums about Graduate School Admissions. Video

October 2018: PK was the Chief Guest at the inauguration of VNR VJIET's ACM Chapter. Pics

October 2018: Saksham Suri, #ClassOf2019 blogs about his experience at USC (Viterbi): "An Unforgettable Experience: Summer at USC".

October 2018: Our Saftie Camera in News! PTI, Zee News, Tribune

October 2018: Our Saftie Camera is live now!

October 2018: Kushagra Bhargava, #PrecogAlum blogs about his experience with us: "A life that most Indian students couldn’t even imagine!".

October 2018: Total views of #PSOSMonNPTEL and #HCIonNPTEL courses together cross 100,000! Course Content

October 2018: PK visited IIT Tirupati: Interacted with CS Faculty and gave a talk, interacted with students aspiring for graduate school. Pics

October 2018: PK visited IIIT Bangalore: Interacted with students, gave a talk at MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) and interacted with faculty. Pics

October 2018: PK delivered TEDx talk "A SaFar in the World of Selfies, Forwards, RTs, Likes, and Beyond" at Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology. Pics | Slides

October 2018: Vedant Nanda, B.Tech. #ClassOf2019 blogs about his experience at MPI-SWS in Saarbrücken, Germany: "Internship at MPI-SWS and a summer to cherish".

October 2018: Yashovardhan Sharma, #PrecogAlum, receives the Commonwealth Scholarship to study Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at University of Oxford.

October 2018: PK was in conversation with Prof. Dena Haritos Tsamitis, Professor CMU about Graduate School Admissions on 2nd October. Part 1 | Part 2

September 2018: Kushagra Bhargava, #PrecogAlum, is selected as a 2018 Youth@IGF Fellow to attend the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in UNESCO Headquarters Paris, Nov 2018.

September 2018: Kaustubh Welankar, B.Tech. #ClassOf2020 blogs about his experience with us: "A Summer at Precog".

September 2018: Divyansh, who is joining CMU for his Masters, blogs his experience with us: "A tryst with Precog: My journey of 2 years, an adventure of a lifetime".

September 2018: PK visited IIT Gandhinagar: Interacted with faculty, students, delivered a technical talk and another on graduate school admissions. Pics | Video

September 2018: Registrations are now open for "2nd Winter School on User Experience Design" at IIIT Hyderabad, co-organized by Precog! Click here to register.

August 2018: Daksh Shah, B.Tech. #ClassOf2021 blogs about his experience with VideoLAN @GSoC: "My GSoC experience with VLC (macOS Interface Redesign)".

August 2018: Our Election 2014 Twitter Dataset is now public

August 2018: PK was in conversation with Prof. Narendra Ahuja, Professor UIUC about "How to do impactful research?". Video

August 2018: PK expressed his opinions about #FakeNews which got covered in Business Standard Hindi Edition

August 2018: PK visited IIIT Sri City, evaluated the 1st MS thesis of IIIT Sri City. Pics

August 2018: PK was in conversation with Prof. Ben Y. Zhao, Professor University of Chicago about Graduate School Admissions. Part 1 | Part 2 | Full audio transcript

August 2018: Our work on #WhatsApp #FakeNews got covered in The Times of India, The Economic Times, India Today, Outlook India.

July 2018: Gurpriya Bhatia successfully defended her Masters thesis "WorkerRep: Building Trust on Crowdsourcing Platform Using Blockchain". Slides | Video | Pics | Code.

July 2018: PK did mini academic tour of Tamil Nadu, visiting CEG, VIT, SSN, IIT Madras, TCE, KERA

July 2018: Simran Saxena, M.Tech. #ClassOf2018 blogs about her experience with us: The Chronicles of Precog: The Deep Dives, the Socials and the Mailing Lists.

July 2018: Our work "Empowering First Responders through Automated Multimodal Content Moderation" received Best paper award at IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing 2018 | Paper | Code & Annotated data | Slides

July 2018: Slides, videos, (code/lab) sessions of the Social Network Analysis days of the Summer School are now public.

July 2018: Vasundhara Ghose successfully defended her Masters thesis "Collecting Linked User Identities Across Online Social networks". Pics

June 2018: PK delivered a talk on Social Computing for Business: Opportunities & Challenges at Honeywell Technology Solutions. Pics.

June 2018: PK captures his experience of teaching his course in IIITD: "Another amazing edition of CSE 501: Designing Human Centered Systems".

June 2018: PK gave a lecture on Social Media as part of the NKN based Faculty Development Programme on "Internet of Things (IoT) at NIT Warangal. Pics.

June 2018: Divam Gupta, B.Tech. #ClassOf2018 blogs about his experience with us: "My enriching journey with Precog".

June 2018: Anshuman Suri, B.Tech. #ClassOf2018 blogs about his experience with us: "Sojourn of an introvert at PreCog".

May 2018: Singh, K., Sen, I. and Kumaraguru, P. A Twitter Corpus for Hindi English Code Mixed Dataset for POS Tagging. Accepted in the Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2018). Author's version | Code | Annotated data

May 2018: PK's TED Talk, "Saving Lives: How Many Likes Is Your Life Worth?" is now available on TEDx Talks YouTube Channel.

May 2018: Indira Sen, M.Tech. #ClassOf2018 blogs about her experience with us: "Chi Square Tests, Calendar Events and Cake : A Three Act Precog Tale".

May 2018: Precogs are going places. A list of places where some Precogs will be spending their summer: Inria, France, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, MPI-SWS, Germany, Google Summer of Code, and University of Southern California.

May 2018: Our Graduating Batch (#ClassOf2018) is going places! The growing list of places they are going to: New York University, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft Hyderabad, University of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Southern California, and Directi.

April 2018: Gupta, D., Sen, I., Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P. and Buduru, A. Empowering First Responders through Automated Multimodal Content Moderation. Accepetd at The Second IEEE International Congress on Cognitive Computing, San Francisco, 2-7 July, 2018. Author's version.

April 2018: Singh, K., Sen, I. and Kumaraguru, P. "Language Identification and Named Entity Recognition in Hinglish Code Mixed Tweets". Accepted in the ACL Student Research Workshop. 2018. Author's version | Code

April 2018: Simran Saxena successfully defended her Masters thesis "Confidentiality Protection in Crowdsourcing". Slides | Video

April 2018: PK delivered a Live session with students at Carnegie Mellon University regarding graduate admissions.

March 2018: PK delivered a talk on Social Computing at Greater Noida Institute of Technology. Pics.

March 2018: Sen, I., Aggarwal, A., Mian, S., Singh, S., Kumaraguru, P. and Datta, A. Worth its Weight in Likes: Towards Detecting Fake Likes on Instagram. Accepetd as a short paper in the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Amsterdam, 27-30 May 2018. Author's version.

March 2018: Gupta, S., Kuchhal, D., Gupta, P., Ahamad, M., Gupta, M. and Kumaraguru, P. "Under the Shadow of Sunshine: Characterizing Spam Campaigns Abusing Phone Numbers Across Online Social Networks. Accepted in the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Amsterdam, 27-30 May 2018. Author's version.

March 2018: PK delivered a TEDx talk at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. Pics | Slides

March 2018: PK delivered a talk at the panel "Privacy: Reaching All Communities" as part of the Workshop on Privacy & Growth in a Global Economy, organised by U.S. Department of State, Federal Trade Commission - USA, U.S.-India Business Council, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

February 2018: The Economic Times (Page 22) carries extensive data from our #KillFie research and publishes a full page article on the topic, "Objects in the Camera are Deadlier Than You Think". Read the article here.

February 2018: Nanda, V., Lamba, H., Agarwal, D., Arora, M., Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Stop the Killfies! Using Deep Learning to Identify Dangerous Selfies. Accepted at the 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'2018) Applying Machine Learning and AI for Modeling Social Media.

February 2018: Indian Express Page 6 today publishes our work on #BlueWhale "Project to flag Blue Whale victims". Access the full report from here.

February 2018: PK delivered a talk on Social Media Forensics at the 24th All India Forensic Science Conference in Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

January 2018: PK was speaking LIVE about our work on Selfie Deaths on Roundhouse Radio 98.3 (a radio channel based in Canada) at 2245hrs IST on Januray 30, 2017! Listen to the conversation here.

January 2018: Dhruv Kuchhal, B.Tech. #Classof2018 from MAIT, Delhi blogs about his experience with us: “PreCog : The Google of Research Groups". Dhruv interned with us in summer 2017 and is continuing to work with us!

January 2018: PK inaugurated the Cybersecurity Research Group, SherLocked at Department of Computer Science Bennett University, and delivered the ACM Distinguished talk.

January 2018: Goel, M., Agrawal, A., Garcia, D. and Kumaraguru, P. Collective Aspects of Privacy in the Twitter Social Network. Accepted at The European Physical Journal Data Science 2018. Author's version.

January 2018: Our recent technical report, on the Blue Whale Challenge, in order to analyze its effect on social networks like VK, Twitter and Instagram to spot the behavior of users and study their demographics."White or Blue, the Whale gets its Vengeance: A Social Media Analysis of the Blue Whale Challenge". You can request for the dataset from here.

December 2017: Gupta, S., Khattar, A., Gogia, A., Kumaraguru, P. and Chakraborty, T. Collective Classification of Spam Campaigners on Twitter: A Hierarchical Meta-Path Based Approach. Accepted at The Web Conf 2018 (Formerly WWW Conference). Author's version.

November 2017: Indira Sen successfully defended her Masters thesis "InstaFake: Detecting Fake Engagement on Instagram". Slides | Video

November 2017: Aggarwal, A., Viswanath, B., Zhang, L., Kumar, S., Shah, A. and Kumaraguru, P. I Spy with My Little Eye: Analysis and Detection of Spying Browser Extensions. Accepted at 3rd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy. Author's version.

November 2017: Aggarwal, A., Kumar, S., Bhargava, K., and Kumaraguru, P. The Follower Count Fallacy: Detecting Twitter Users with Manipulated Follower Count. Accepted at 33rd ACM / SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. Author's version.

November 2017: Mr. Prateek Dewan --> Dr. Prateek Dewan. Thesis | Slides | Video

November 2017: We are looking for full time Ph.D. students, full time Research Associates, and interns for summer 2018 to join us. Apply here.

October 2017: PK will be speaking LIVE about our work on Selfie Deaths on Doordharshan TV Channel (DD National) at 1700hrs IST on Oct 30, 2017!

October 2017: Kartik Sethi, B.Tech. #Classof2018 from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, blogs about his experience with us: Precog: A to Z.

October 2017: Saravana Kumar, B.Tech. #Classof2017 from College of Engineering, Guindy, blogs about his experience with us: Precog 101. Saravana was one of the star interns from Summer 2016 and has started Masters in Computer Science at The Ohio State University, this fall 2017.

October 2017: PK will be conducting a session on Graduate School Admissions at IIIT Bangalore on Oct 24, 2017. Facebook Event.

October 2017: Zoha Hamid, 3rd semester B.Tech., receives the LearnIT Girl! scholarship. This scholarship helps women around the globe to be mentored by successful technocrats to develop cool projects.

October 2017: Divyansh Agarwal , Research Associate, is selected as one of 2017 Youth@IGF Fellow to attend the Internet Governance Forum to be held in Geneva in Dec 2017.

October 2017: PK will be conducting a Facebook LIVE session on Graduate School Admissions on Oct 14, 2017. Interested stakeholders may join here.

October 2017: PK will be offering "Introduction to Human Computer Interaction" on NPTEL. This course will be offered from Jan - April 2018.

October 2017: PK's new blog "This is Why I Love My Job #2" capturing the fantastic achievements by our students graduating this year and moving on to next phase in their life! #BestLuckToThem

October 2017: Srishti presented her Ph.D. thesis work at the Computer Science Doctoral Symposium, organized by NIIT University. 17 Ph.D. students from all around the country attended the Symposium, including 4 from #IIITD.

October 2017: Dhruv #Classof2018 at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology presented his Summer 2017 internship work with us to 150+ 3rd and 5th semester students. Dhruv's work was selected as one of the best Summer 2017 work by his college authorities.

September 2017: PK will be co-organizing a Winter School on User Experience Design.

September 2017: Vivek Gupta, B.Tech. #Classof2019 from IIT Kharagpur, blogs about his experience with us: Precog: The Quintessential Group

September 2017: PK is organizing a Session on Graduate School Application / Admissions on Sept 23, 2017, at IIITD. Interested people (student, professional) should register here for attending the session.

August 2017: Singh, S., Nanda, V., Sen, R., Sengupta, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Gummadi, K. Leveraging Facebook’s Free Basics Engine for Web Service Deployment in Developing Regions (ICTD) 2017, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan. Author's version | Slides.

August 2017: Bhavna Nagpal, B.Tech. Class of 2017 and currently pursing Masters in Design from IIT Guwahati, blogs her experience with us: Pages from a chapter called Precog

August 2017: Prateek Dewan, Ph.D. student becomes one of the 15 researchers from Asia-Pacific region who got selected for NextGen@ICANN60. They will be funded to attend to the ICANN60 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

August 2017: Arpit Gogia, Graduating class of 2018, B.Tech. from DTU, blogs about his experience with us: The Anatomy of a Precog Internship!

July 2017: Goel, S., Ahuja, S., Subramanyam, A., Kumaraguru, P. #VisualHashtags: Visual Summarization of Social Media Events Using Mid-Level Visual Elements. Accepted at 25th ACM Conference on MultiMedia 2017. Author's version | Slides

July 2017: Call for Ph.D. and Research Associate applications . Apply

July 2017: Ms. Niharika Sachdeva --> Dr. Niharika Sachdeva. Thesis | Slides

July 2017: Dipjyoti Bisharad, Graduating class of 2018, B.Tech. from NIT Silchar, blogs about his experience with us: "A stay of 2 months: An experience of lifetime"

July 2017: Kaushal, R., Chandok, S., Jain, P., Dewan, P., Gupta, N., Kumaraguru, P. Nudging Nemo: Helping Users Control Linkability across Social Networks. Accepted at 9th International Conference on Social Informatics, 2017. Paper

July 2017: Mallika Agarwal blogs her experience with us! "On Precog, PK (and everything else that fits between the two entities)"

July 2017: Mayank Vachher blogs about his experience with Precog: "Standing on the shoulders of giants"

July 2017: Srishti Chandok successfully defended her Masters thesis "User Identities Across Social Networks: Quantifying Linkability and Nudging Users to control Linkability. Thesis

July 2017: Shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon'ble Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways and Shipping makes reference to our research on Selfie Deaths / KillFies! Video

June 2017: Mark dangerous locations in the world using our Saftie & Chat Bot to reduce selfie deaths.

June 2017: PK’s FAQs - Preparing, Applying and Deciding on Graduate Schools.

May 2017: PK is offering the Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) course on NPTEL. Registration started | Teaser Video | Flier.

May 2017: Sonu Gupta successfully defended her M.Tech. thesis at JIIT, advised by Prof. Shelly Sachdeva. Sonu collaborated heavily with Prateek Dewan on this thesis work.

May 2017: Mayank Verma successfully defended his M.Tech. thesis at JIIT. Thesis was co-advised by Anuradha Gupta, faculty at JIIT and PK.

May 2017: Our work on Selfie deaths got captured in an article on Factory Daily, "What makes India the selfie death capital of the world?". PK’s interview on the topic.

Apr, 2017: Precogs won the Honarable Mention at the ICADABAI Hackathon 2017, part of 5th IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics, and Intelligence at IIM Ahmedabad held on April 08 - 09, 2017. Team members: Neha, Saravana, Kushagra, Divyansh, Nalin, Sahar.

Apr, 2017: Our paper titled "On the Security and Usability of Dynamic Cognitive Game CAPTCHAs" gets accepted at the Journal on Computer Security (JCS). Authors: Manar Mohamed, Song Gao, Niharika Sachdeva, Nitesh Saxena, Chengcui Zhang, PK, and Paul van Oorschot.

Apr, 2017: Our paper titled "Facebook Inspector (FbI): Towards Automatic Real Time Detection of Malicious Content on Facebook" gets accepted at the Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM). Authors: Prateek and PK.

Apr, 2017: Registrations are now open for "Summer School on Privacy and Security on Online Social Networks" at IIIT Hyderabad, co-organized by Precog! Click here to register.

Feb, 2017: Our full paper submission "From Camera to Deathbed: Understanding Dangerous Selfies on Social Media" got accepted as Poster at The 11th Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2017! Authors: Hemank Lamba, Varun Bharadhwaj, Mayank Vachher, Divyansh Agarwal, Megha Arora, Niharika Sachdeva and PK.

Feb, 2017: We are organizing a Summer school on Privacy and Security in Online Social Networks in collaboration with IIIT-Hyderabad during July, 2017.

Jan, 2017: Our paper "A Social Media Based Index of Mental Well-Being in College Campuses" accepted at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Authors: Shrey, PK, Munmun.

Jan, 2017: Niharika is now on the Program Committee of The Eleventh International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments ICDS 2017. Congrats Niharika!

Jan, 2017: Indira and Kushagra Singh won the Second Prize in Tool contest at International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), 2016. They built a POS tagger for code mixed data for three language pairs (Hindi-English, Bengali-English and Telegu-English) from Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp. There were 15 entries for the contest.

Dec, 2016: PK captures his experience of 2016 as a faculty in a blog, "#ProfGiri #LovingMyFacultyLife An amazing year of my faculty life!"

Dec, 2016: Aishwarya N Reganti & Tushar Maheshwari from Indian Institute of Information Technology - IIIT, Sri City visiting us for the month of December. Thanks to Dr. Amitava Das for making this happen.

Nov, 2016: PK blogs about his experience of the Killfie project, "Killed it with a #Killfie: Journey from an Idea to a Global Media Phenomenon".

Nov, 2016: PK blogs about his experience of teaching PSOSM on NPTEL: Teaching #PSOSMonNPTEL in a country of a billion: Experiences and take aways.

Nov, 2016: Our work on Killfie gets featured on the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science homepage.

Nov, 2016: Our work "Visual Themes and Sentiment on Social Networks To Aid First Responders During Crisis Events" featured among the week's most thought-provoking papers from arXiv for the week ending November 5, 2016.

Oct, 2016: Our work "Call for Service: Characterizing and Modeling Police Response to Serviceable Requests on Facebook." accepted at the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2016. Authors: Niharika Sachdeva (Ph.D. student), Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (Faculty).

Oct, 2016: Our work on "KidsTube: Detection, Characterization and Analysis of Child Unsafe Content & Promoters on YouTube” accepted at Fourteenth Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust. Authors: Rishabh Kaushal (Ph.D. student), Srishty Saha (UG student, 2016 graduate), Payal Bajaj (Collaborator at Adobe), Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (Faculty).

Oct, 2016: PK gave a lecture on "Research, Education, and Cybersecurity Policies in India" in a course Cybersecurity Governance: A Data-Driven Approach at Harvard University. Slides.

Oct, 2016: PK gave a ACM Distinguished Speaker talk at IIT Guwahati. Slides.

Sep, 2016: PK gave a Keynote at the Fourth International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC’16). Slides.

Sep, 2016: Our app, The News Bugle is now live as part of the Facebook Freebasics platform. Project in collaboration with MPI-SWS.

Sep, 2016: Dr. Paridhi Jain's new blog "The last blog" capturing her nostalgic 6 years at Precog and IIIT-Delhi.

Aug, 2016: Varun Bharadhwaj blogs about his summer experience with Precog: "Precog: The Phenomenon".

Aug, 2016: PK's new blog "This is Why I Love My Job: Students are the backbone of Faculty life!" capturing the success stories of Precogs!

Aug, 2016: "PicHunt: Social Media Image Retrieval for Improved Law Enforcement" got accepted at 8th International Conference on Social Informatics. Authors: Sonal Goel, Niharika Sachdeva, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Prof. A V Subramanyam and Divam Gupta.

Aug, 2016: Prateek Dewan (Ph.D. student), and Shrey Bagroy's (UG student) work on Detecting Malicious Facebook Pages appears in the 5 amazing projects and research ideas from top Indian Universities, Digit Magazine, Aug edition, page 38 - 39 . Physical article.

Aug, 2016: Megha Arora receives TOEFL Scholarship to study Master's in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. This scholarship is given to only 15 students a year!

Aug, 2016: Vedant Das Swain receives 'J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship for Higher Education' for doing his Master's in Human Computer Interaction at Georgia Tech University

Aug, 2016: Megha Arora receives 'J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship for Higher Education' for doing her Master's in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. The Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Tata Endowment was established in 1892. Scholarship is given to selective students and currently there are 4,800 JN Tata Scholars all over the world. ‪

Aug, 2016: Introducing Helix - Understanding the 1,000 words of a picture! Summarize images posted on Facebook in the click of a button! Visit Helix homepage for more details and a demo.

Aug, 2016: Our recent work on "PicHunt: Social Media Image Retrieval for Improved Law Enforcement." Authors: Sonal Goel, Niharika Sachdeva, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Prof. A V Subramanyam and Divam Gupta

July, 2016: Srishti's work on Emerging Threats Abusing Phone Numbers Exploiting Cross-Platform Features accepted at 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) Ph.D. forum.

July, 2016: Our paper Hiding in Plain Sight: Characterizing and Detecting Malicious Facebook Pages accepted at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2016. Authors: Prateek Dewan, Shrey Bagroy and PK.

June, 2016: PK's Keynote Address on Online Social Media: Opportunities, Challenges, and Pitfalls at IGDTUW.

June, 2016: Our paper Social Media for Safety: Characterizing Online Interactions between Citizens and Police accepted at 30th British Human Computer Interaction Conference (BHCI) 2016. Authors: Niharika Sachdeva, PK and Munmun De Choudhury.

June, 2016: We are co-organizing "Summer Workshop on Online Social Media Developer's Perspective" 6th June - 22nd July at IGDTUW

May, 2016: Pradyumn Nand's blogs his experience with us! "Precog Diaries - A Roller Coaster Ride"

May, 2016: You can enroll for the online course Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) on NPTEL now. Help spread!

May, 2016: Sonal Goel blogs her experience with us! "Funfilled and Rich Experience @ Precog"

May, 2016: Our tool on analyzing your Facebook profile goes live! Try it out, you will be surprised to see some of the results!

May, 2016: Srishti Gupta will speaking  at the Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group on "App SPAM: An Evolving Threat?"

May, 2016: Shrey Bagroy is interning at Georgia Tech for this Summer 2016!

May, 2016: Megha presented the paper Demographics and Sociability in Online Interactions | Slides | Picture.

May, 2016: We are looking for full time Research Associates and Developers to work with us. Please apply with your CV.

Apr, 2016: Pradyumn successfully defends his Masters Thesis.

Apr, 2016: Paridhi Jain successfully defended her Ph. D. thesis. Slides | Picture.

Apr, 2016: Sonal Goel successfully defended her Masters Thesis. Thesis | Slides | Picture.

Apr, 2016: Precog's second Ph. D. Thesis Defense: Paridhi Jain.

Apr, 2016: Masters Thesis Defense: Sonal Goel.

Apr, 2016: Masters Thesis Defense: Pradyumn Nand.

Apr, 2016: PK will be offering the Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) course on NPTEL. Registrations start in May. Teaser video | Flier.

Apr, 2016: PK will be speaking at TEDx Juhu.

Apr, 2016: Precogs deliver tutorial at OSM Hackathon organized as part of Innerve 2016 at IGDTUW. Picture 1, Picture 2.

Feb, 2016: Our paper "Emotions, Demographics and Sociability in Online Interactions" accepted at ICWSM 2016. Authors: Kristina Lerman, Megha Arora, Luciano Heitor Gallegos Marin, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and David Garcia.

Feb, 2016: Precog is organizing OSMpalooza: An Online Social Media Hackathon

Dec, 2015: Niharika gives a talk on "Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness" at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT).

Dec, 2015: Our paper "Online Social Media - New face of policing? A Survey Exploring Perceptions, Behavior, Challenges for Police Field Officers and Residents" gets accepted at 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Authors: Niharika, PK.

Dec, 2015: Our paper "On the Dynamics of Username Changing Behavior on Twitter" gets accepted at 3rd IKDD Conference on Data Science, 2016. Authors: Paridhi, PK.

Nov, 2015: Our portal on analysing Facebook pages & Twitter handles of various police organisations in the country.

Nov, 2015: Facebook pages & Twitter handles of various police organisations in the country.

Nov, 2015: IIIT-Delhi is now part of Information Security Education & Awareness Phase II project. The total worth of the project is 96.08 Crore Rupees (approx. 14.7 million USD). IIITD is one among 40 other institutes in the project. PK is the Chief-Investigator for the project at IIIT Delhi. Project duration is for 5 years.

Oct, 2015: Our workshop on Masters' Trainer program for Staying Safe Online captured in IIITD's Newsletter.

Oct, 2015: 51 school teachers from Delhi NCR attended our "Master Trainers' Program. Staying Safe Online for School Teachers." Report on CBSE website

Oct, 2015: Niharika's work on Facebook & Twitter handles of police organizations in India gets cited and discussed in Economic Times, page 10, Oct 2. Niharika is also quoted in the article.

Oct, 2015: Five new blog entries! Rohan (Un été français enrichissante (An enriching French summer), Megha (I have been Precog-ed: Part 2), Manik (My experience interning at Precog), Pradyumn (Memoirs from South Asia Workshop 2015 at NUS School of Computing), and Ashwin (It’s been about three years since my time at Precog) pen their experiences at Precog.

Oct, 2015: Anupama receives COSN travel grant.

Sep, 2015: Niharika Sachdeva presented her paper "Online Social Networks and Police in India - Understanding the Perceptions, Behavior, Challenges" at ECSCW 2015.

Sep, 2015: Paridhi presented her paper "Other Times, Other Values: Leveraging Attribute History to Link User Profiles across Online Social Networks" at Hypertext 2015. Picture.

Sep, 2015: PK gave his 8th ACM India Eminent Speaker talk at ITM, Gurgaon.

Sep, 2015: Mr. Vijay Gopal, Assistant Professor, St. Peters Engineering College, Hyderabad, visiting us for a week.

Sep, 2015: PK receives Teaching recognition from IIITD. This recognition is for CSE501 Designing Human Centered Systems that he taught Winter 2015 semester based on the feedback given by students from the course.

Sep, 2015: Pradyumn (our M.Tech. student) gave a talk "Journey of a volunteer to R.E. Merwin Scholarship" at IEEE Delhi Student - Young Professionals - Women In Engineering Congress 2015.

Aug, 2015: Our browser plug-in Facebook Inspector (FbI) crosses 100 downloads on Firefox within 2 weeks of launch. Chrome version launched today. Downloads: Firefox | Chrome

July, 2015: Anupama's paper "What They Do in Shadows: Twitter Underground Follower Market" gets Best Student Paper award at 13th International conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust, Istanbul, Turkey.

July, 2015: PK quoted in National edition of LiveMint! "Stay safe online", July 22.

July, 2015: Niharika's work quoted in The Times of India. "Social media is used to take feedback from people and channelize police resources accordingly, be it for traffic management or crime prevention. A research on how the system made police accountable has already won two Delhi researchers an award in the US." Full research paper.

July, 2015: Megha (starting her Senior year in Fall) presented her internship work on Understanding the Impact of Demographics on Sociability. Work done as part of the Viterbi-India Summer Internship Program at Univ. of Southern California. Her mentors at USC were Prof. Kristina Lerman, and Dr. Luciano Gallegos.

July, 2015: PK gets featured on CMU's home page stories.

July, 2015: Aditi's work gets covered in The Telegraph and BBC News.

July, 2015: Aditi Gupta successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Designing and Evaluating Techniques to Mitigate Misinformation Spread on Microblogging Web Services. | Slides | Video

Jun, 2015: Niharika's work on Bengaluru's City Police Facebook page covered on Times of India, Page 2 on June 8, 2015. "Study on City Police's Social Media Use Bags US Varsity Award". Picture.

Jun, 2015: PK quoted in Live Mint, May 26, 2015, National Edition (Centrespread) "Cyber bullying: Nip it in the bud".

May, 2015: Our paper "Other Times, Other Values: Leveraging Attribute History to Link User Profiles across Online Social Networks" gets accepted at Hypertext 2015. Authors: Paridhi, PK, Prof. Joshi.

May, 2015: Niharika receives Best Paper Award at the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research.

May, 2015: Our paper "What They Do in Shadows: Twitter Underground Follower Market" gets accepted at the 13th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2015. Authors: Anupama, PK.

May, 2015: Our paper "Towards Automatic Real Time Identification of Malicious Posts on Facebook" gets accepted at the 13th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2015. Authors: Prateek, PK.

May, 2015: 260 school teachers and counsellors attended the Strategies for Safe and Effective Use of Online Social Media workshop. Organizers: Niharika, PK. Picture. Album.

Apr, 2015: Our paper "Online Social Networks and Police in India. Understanding the Perceptions, Behavior, Challenges" gets accepted at the European conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW). Authors: Niharika, PK.

Mar, 2015: Our paper "Social Networks for Police and Residents in India: Exploring Online Communication for Crime Prevention" gets accepted at the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. Authors: Niharika, PK.

Feb, 2015: Srishti Gupta will be presenting her work "Know your targets: Privacy and Security Implications in Instant Messaging Applications" at NYUAD Annual Research Conference, Feb 28 - March 1.

Jan, 2015: 3rd Security & Privacy Symposium, Feb 13 - 14, 2015. Organized at IIITD #spsymp15

Nov, 2014: TweetCred gets "Honorable Mention" at SocInfo 2014. Congrats Aditi! Picture

Sept, 2014: Aditi's work on TweetCred gets accepted at SocInfo 2014. Acceptance rate: 23%.

Sept, 2014: Paridhi's work on username change gets featured in Economic Times, Page 8, September 04, 2014. Go for Change to Get a Handle on Twitter Popularity.

August, 2014: Our paper "bit.ly/malicious: Deep Dive into Short URL based e-Crime Detection" gets accepted at APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Authors: Neha, Anupama, PK.

August, 2014: Our paper "Emerging Phishing Trends and Effectiveness of the Anti-Phishing Landing Page" gets accepted at APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Authors: Srishti, PK.

August, 2014: PK's article on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media published on Defence and Security Alert (DSA) magazine.

Sept, 2014: Our paper "bit.ly/malicious: Deep Dive into Short URL based e-Crime Detection." received best paper award at eCRS 2014. Congrats Neha & Anupama! #PrecogRocks

Sept, 2014: PK gave his ACM India Eminent Speaker talk at the ACM Pune's Workshop on Cybersecurity.

July, 2014: Our paper "Analyzing Social and Stylometric Features to Identify Spear phishing Emails" gets accepted at APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Authors: Prateek, Anand Kashyap, and PK.

July, 2014: PK quoted in Times of India, July 26, 2014 Mumbai Edition on Page 9 "Crooks make money out of breaking news" ToI has 3.1+ Million readership. Physical paper version. Article also quotes Anupama and Ashwin's paper on PhishAri.

July, 2014: PK quoted in Economic Times today, July 15, 2014 on Page 2. "Not Enough Tweets, Ministers on Twitter." ET has 800,000+ readership. Physical paper version. Online version.

July, 2014: Wombat Security Technologies received $6.7 Million. PK's Ph.D. thesis work contributed in creating Wombat.

Jun, 2014: New technical report: "bit.ly/malicious: Deep Dive into Short URL based e-Crime Detection". Authors: Neha, Anupama, PK.

Jun, 2014: New technical report: "Analyzing Social and Stylometric Features to Identify Spear phishing Emails". Authors: Prateek, Dr. Anand Kashyap, PK.

Jun, 2014: New technical report: "Emerging Phishing Trends and Effectiveness of the Anti-Phishing Landing Page". Authors: Srishti, PK.

Jun, 2014: Sudip & Abhishek successfully defend their Masters Thesis! Slides (Sudip). Slides (Abhishek). Thesis (Abhishek).

Jun, 2014: Vasudevan Mukunth blogs about Prateek's work on Facebook, and Aditi's work on Twitter.

Jun, 2014: Innovate Dehli: Day 0, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 6, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Pitch Day.

May, 2014: New technical report: "@I to @Me: An anatomy of username changing behavior on Twitter". Authors: Paridhi, and PK.

May, 2014: New technical report: "TweetCred: A Real-time Web-based System for Assessing Credibility of Content on Twitter". Authors: Aditi, PK, Carlos, and Patrick.

May, 2014: New technical report: Indian Premier League (IPL), Cricket, Online Social Media. Authors: Megha, Raghav, and PK.

May, 2014: New technical report: "It Doesn?~@~Yt Break Just on Twitter. Characterizing Facebook content During Real World Events". Authors: Prateek and PK.

May, 2014: New technical report: "Online Social Media and Police in India: Behavior, Perceptions, Challenges". Authors: Niharika and PK.

Apr, 2014: TweetCred, our real-time system to assess credibility of content on Twitter goes live! Covered in media, Daily Dot, Washington Post, Doha News, KNTV, New Yorker. Please use and participate.

Apr, 2014: A successful Building Better Interfaces 2014!

Apr, 2014: Neha Gupta successfully defended Masters Thesis today.

Apr, 2014: PK's new blog entry "Mi primera experiencia: IIITD part of the First meeting of the Joint Committee on Science and Technology Peru-India".

Apr, 2014: Neha Gupta's M.Tech. Thesis Defense. Exploration of gaps in Bitly's spam detection and relevant countermeasures. 1100 - 1230hrs IST. April 24, 2014.

Apr, 2014: PK's new blog entry, Student start-up culture brewing at IIITD! Elated to be involved in some.

Mar, 2014: Ari Klein from CrowdFlower blogs about Aditi's work, "When Should You Trust a Tweet?"

Mar, 2014: As part of the ACM Eminent Speakers program, PK gave a talk on Privacy and Security in Online Social media at Thapar University.

Mar, 2014: Sudip presented the paper "Pinned it! A large scale study of the Pinterest network" at ACM CoDS 2014. Image | Image

Feb, 2014: Our paper "A Three-Way Investigation of a Game-CAPTCHA: Automated Attacks, Relay Attacks and Usability" gets accepted at ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2014. Acceptance rate: 20%. Authors: Mohamed, M., Niharika, Georgescu, M., Gao, S., Saxena, N., Zhang, C., PK, Van Oorschot, P., and Chen, W.

Jan, 2014: Our research work on 'Analyzing fake images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy' gets covered in the Wired Magazine.

Jan, 2014: Cybersecurity Education and Research Centre (CERC) inauguration pictures.

Jan, 2014: Anupama and Prateek receive NIXI Fellowship 2014.

Dec, 2013: Our paper "Pinned it! A large scale study of the Pinterest network" accepted at ACM CoDS (IKDD Conference on Data Science). Acceptance rate: 15%. Authors: Sudip, Neha, Prateek, and PK.

Dec, 2013: SocialCaller App made public now. Plea se use & help spread the word!

Dec, 2013: New blog entries: I have been Precog-ed! by Megha. Aim in life is to find the “meaning and change the world” by PK.

Dec, 2013: Neha Gupta & Anupama Aggarwal write a blog entry bitly could do better!

Nov, 2013: Prateek Dewan will be interning at Symantec Research Labs India starting 2 Dec 2013. Congrats Prateek!

Nov, 2013: Students, TAs, evaluators, and PK from the course, Privacy and Security in Online Social Media, #cse648. #PSOSMStudentsRock.

Nov, 2013: Srishti successfully defended her Masters Thesis "OCEAN: Open-source Collation of eGovernment data And Networks - Understanding Privacy Leaks in Open Government Data". Picture from the defense.

Nov, 2013: Our paper "On the Viability of CAPTCHAs for Use in Telephony Systems: A Usability Field Study" accepted & presented at 16th Information Security Conference 2013. Acceptance rate: 23%. Authors: Niharika, Prof. Nitesh Saxena (UAB), and PK. Slides.

Nov, 2013: Anupama's #DelhiElections work covered on Economic Times, Page 4 on Nov 15. "Twitter Politicians Who Don't Tweet".

Nov, 2013: Prachi successfully defended her Masters Thesis "Call Me MayBe: Understanding Nature and Risks of Sharing Mobile Numbers on Online Social Networks". Picture.

Nov, 2013: Our work on Safe Safari appeared on Associated Press on Nov 11th "India: Apps and GPS Trackers Help Women Stay Safe in New Delhi", and related interview. Team: Paridhi, Megha, and Neha.

Nov, 2013: Our work on #DelhiElections covered on Page 3 of Economic Times today, Nov 11, 2013. Graphic. Link to online article.

Nov, 2013: Many Precogs were recognized for their achievements / contributions during the 5th year celebration of IIITD: Aditi, Paridhi, Niharika, Anupama, Neha, Megha, Kanika (Aumni), Hemank (Alumni), PK.

Nov, 2013: Story of Patna Blasts, Bihar, 2013. 39747 tweets, 14820 Facebook posts, 1126 Flickr images, 614 G+ posts, 173 YouTube videos.

Oct, 2013: IIITD's 5year celebration video features Precogs (Aditi, Paridhi, Niharika, Anupama, and Prateek), Precog's systems, and the Lab!

Oct, 2013: Our quick hack on Tweets with BBMs that are publicly available. Related blog entry: "Did you tweet your BBM PIN? We know about it".

Oct, 2013: Our #BostonMarathon covered on The Daily Dot, "Almost everything you read on Twitter about the Boston bombing was a lie".

Oct, 2013: Our work on #DelhiElections covered on Front page of DNA today, Oct 24 2013 "Which neta tweets the most? No, it's not Narendra Modi". Link to online article.

Oct, 2013: Patrick from iRevolution (has more than 1million hits) writes a blog entry "Analyzing Fake Content on Twitter During Boston Marathon Bombings" on our recent eCRS 2013 paper. Slides.

Oct, 2013: Srishti Gupta writes a blog entry "Moments for life! My first International trip to USA".

Sep, 2013: Our work "Call Me MayBe: Understanding Nature and Risks of Sharing Mobile Numbers on Online Social Networks" captured in Abstract Talk. Paper will be presented at COSN next week. Authors: Prachi, Paridhi, and PK.

Sep, 2013: Story of #UPRiots at #Muzaffarnagar : 93124 tweets, 27791 FB posts, 1149 G+ posts, 1061 YT videos & 643 Flickr photos.

Sep, 2013: Our paper "MultiOSN: Realtime Monitoring of Real World Events on Multiple Online Social Media" accepted at I-CARE 2013. Acceptance rate: 26%. Authors: Prateek, Mayank, Kanika, and PK.

Sep, 2013: Our work on Boston Blasts featured in FastCompany!

Sep, 2013: Wizters selected as one of the "Top150 Startup" in the Pioneers Challenge.

Sep, 2013: PK has been selected as ACM India Eminent Speaker.

Sep, 2013: We are looking for some "cool" and "smart" developers / researchers to work with. Visit Precog Openings for more details.

Sep, 2013: Raghav Gupta, a Sophomore from Carnegie Mellon University pens his summer experience with us.

Sep, 2013: Dr. Sharique Hasan, faculty at Stanford University, will be conducting a tutorial on Social Network Analysis.

August, 2013: Our Alums Hemank Lamba, and Kanika Narang currently work at IBM Research Labs, India will give guest lectures in CSE648 today.

August, 2013: Our Brainstorm schedule for this coming semester is online now!

August, 2013: Soumya (our UG student) is presenting the paper "The Paper Slip Should be There: Perceptions of Transaction Receipts in Branchless Banking" at MobileHCI 2013.

August, 2013: Mayank Pundir received Chancellor’s Gold Medal at the Second convocation of IIIT-Delhi!

August, 2013: Raghav Sethi received All Round Performance Medal at the Second convocation of IIIT-Delhi!

August, 2013: Aditi Gupta received eCRS partial support to attend eCRS 2013 and present her paper! #ThanksAPWG

August, 2013: Prachi Jain received partial support from ACM COSN 2013. Travel Grants to attend and present her paper! #ThanksCOSN

August, 2013: Mayank, Raghav, and Vani graduated from IIIT-Delhi.

August, 2013: IIITD's Director elaborates about Precog's work in his report of the institute at IIITD's 2nd convocation. Please see page 7, first column, last bullet point in the brochure.

August, 2013: Our research work Open source Collation of eGovernment data and Networks (OCEAN) on IIITD's home page. Team: Srishti Gupta and Mayank Gupta.

August, 2013: Precog family - Aug 2013.

August, 2013: Our paper "$1.00 per RT #BostonMarathon #PrayForBoston: Analyzing Fake Content on Twitter" accepted at eCRS 2013. Authors: Aditi Gupta, Hemank Lamba (our Alum, now at IBM-IRL), and PK.

August, 2013: Our paper "Call Me MayBe: Understanding Nature and Risks of Sharing Mobile Numbers on Online Social Networks" gets accepted at COSN 2013. Authors: Prachi Jain, Paridhi Jain, and PK. 15.9% acceptance rate.

August, 2013: David Choffnes, Alan Mislove, Christo Wilson from North Eastern University visiting us today!

August, 2013: Wombat has been selected as a finalist for startup of the year for the Pittsburgh Technology Council's Tech 50 awards!

August, 2013: RSA and Wombat Security Collaborate to Help Organizations Educate Users about Threats to Enterprise Security.

August, 2013: Megha, Neha, and Paridhi, winners of FICCI's Strengthening the Policing Contest 2013 featured on IIITD's home page.

July, 2013: Blog entry by Sudip, Neha, and Prateek on their latest work, The Ping-Bang Theory: Discovering the Pinterest world.

July, 2013: Megha Arora, Neha Gupta, and Paridhi Jain were the winning team at the Strengthening the Policing Contest 2013 – Ensuring Women Safety in India conducted by FICCI. Project proposal name was "PreCog"!

July, 2013: Dr. Payas Gupta from NYU-AD visiting us for a week.

July, 2013: Craig Silverman from Poynter blogs "New research suggests it's possible to automatically identify fake images on Twitter" about Aditi's recent paper.

July, 2013: Patrick from iRevolution writes a blog entry "Automatically Identifying Fake Images Shared on Twitter During Disasters" on our recent PSOSM 2013 paper. Slides.

July, 2013: Our paper "Network Flows and the Link Prediction Problem" gets accepted at SNAKDD 2013. Authors: Kristina Lerman (Faculty at University of Southern California), Kanika Narang (our Alum, now at IBM-IRL) and PK.

July, 2013: Paridhi pens down her experience at WWW, 2013, Rio in a blog entry.

July, 2013: Our work on MultiOSN http://precog.iiitd.edu.in/tools/beta/multiosnportal/ was covered on Hindustan Times, page 15, June 30, 2013!

June, 2013: Sumit Arora to Works Applications - Singapore, Rushil Khurana to Georgia Tech, Piyush Maheshwari to Cornell University, Mayank Pundir to UIUC, Raghav Sethi to Princeton University, Vani Sivasankar to Adobe India.

June, 2013: Raghav Gupta, an undergraduate student from Carnegie Mellon University joined as intern for 2 months.

June, 2013: Srishti Gupta visiting University of Buffalo, USA for 2 months.

June, 2013: Say goodbye to Confession pages!!! Join Wizters. Be anonymous. Read the blog.

June, 2013: Prachi Jain visiting Bell Labs Ireland for 2 months.

June, 2013: Prateek's blog entry "Go home Google Groups, you’re drunk!!!".

June, 2013: Our work on ChaMAILeon gets featured in a French article on Atelier.

May, 2013: Our work on analyzing multiple online social networks is on Times of India. Contributors: Prateek Dewan, Mayank Gupta, Kanika Goyal, and PK.

May, 2013: PK was interviewed by the Economist Intelligence Unit on "Privacy in India." The report "Privacy uncovered; Can private life exist in the digital age?" is now available. The Wall Street Journal article on the report.

May, 2013: Paridhi's paper "@I seek 'fb.me': Identifying Users across Multiple Online Social Networks" won the Honorable Mention for the best paper award at #WoLE2013 #WWW2013 Authors: Paridhi, Prof. Anupam Joshi, and PK.

May, 2013: Blog entry by Prateek on MultiOSN.

May, 2013: MultiOSN: Monitoring multiple online social networks during real-world events; now live at http://precog.iiitd.edu.in/tools/beta/multiosnportal/. Technical report. Authors: Prateek, Mayank, Kanika, and PK.

May, 2013: Slides from our talks / demo at WWW 2013. (1) Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy, (2) @I seek 'fb.me': Identifying Users across Multiple Online Social Networks, (3) Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare, (4) uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media.

May, 2013: Wombat Security named as "2013 Hot Company" award winner by Network Products Guide.

May, 2013: Our paper "Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy" won the Best Paper Award at #psosm2013. Authors: Aditi, Hemank, PK, and Prof. Anupam Joshi.

May, 2013: Paridhi Jain successfully defends her Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam (report).

May, 2013: Rajarshi Chakraborty, Ph.D. candidate from University of Buffalo is currently visiting for 2 weeks! Thanks to National Science Foundation, USA for supporting this collaboration.

May, 2013: Dr. Satyam Mukherjee from Kellogg School of Management, NorthWestern University Evanston, IL, USA will be visiting on May 15, 2013.

May, 2013: Aditi Gupta successfully defends her Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam (report).

May, 2013: Our complete report on Security and Privacy Symposium 2013 available now. Authors: Paridhi Jain, Prof. Sanjeev Aggarwal from IIT Kanpur, and PK.

May, 2013: Our work on Faking Sandy captured by an external blog entry by Kim Stephens and our work on Detecting Communities captured in a blog by Patrick Meier.

Apr, 2013: Our paper "The Paper Slip Should be There: Perceptions of Transaction Receipts in Branchless Banking" gets accepted at Mobile HCI 2013. Authors: Saurabh Panjwani, Mohona Ghosh, Soumya Singh, and PK.

Apr, 2013: PSOSM merges with 5 other workshops to form a new conference focused on Online Social Networks -- ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN). PK on the Technical Advisory Committee. Please consider submitting your work at http://cosn.acm.org.

Apr, 2013: Prof. Maura Conway and Prof. Lisa McInerney from Dublin City University visiting us for 10 days.

Apr, 2013: Our work on Open source Collation of eGovernment data and Networks (OCEAN) was on Hindustan Delhi newspaper today, April 16, 2013 on page 2.

Apr, 2013: Simon Davies's new blog post India takes its first serious step toward privacy regulation – but it may be misguided" refers to our Privacy in India study. He says "A substantial opinion poll published earlier this year..."

Apr, 2013: Simon Davies refers to our privacy report in his interview in Rajya Sabha TV. Look at 16:17 - 25:39.

Apr, 2013: Srishti Gupta's blog entry: Exciting times! Indo-UK workshop on Cyber security.

Apr, 2013: Two graduate students from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus visiting us for a week. Thanks Agrima & Krishna.

Mar, 2013: Our video on "What Google Apps Administrators of your accounts at your Organization or University can do with your emails?" #PrivacyZapped.

Mar, 2013: PK co-organized a workshop on cybersecurity at IIIT-Delhi. The workshop got featured in many news articles. Indian Express, and Zee News.

Mar, 2013: Prateek wins best paper award at the National Conference on Advancements in Information, Computer and Communication.

Mar, 2013: PK will be Co-Organizing Indo-UK Workshop on Cybersecurity.

Mar, 2013: Our demo "uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media" gets accepted at WWW 2013. Authors: Tiago Magalhães, Prateek Dewan, PK, Raquel Melo-Minardi, and Virgilio Almeida.

Mar, 2013: Our paper "Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare" gets accepted at Mining Social Network Dynamics. Authors: Anupama Aggarwal, Jussara Almeida and PK.

Mar, 2013: Our paper "@I seek 'fb.me': Identifying Users across Multiple Online Social Networks" gets accepted at 2nd International workshop on Web of Linked Entities Authors: Paridhi Jain, PK, Anupam Joshi.

Mar, 2013: Our paper "Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy" gets accepted at 2nd International workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media Authors: Aditi Gupta, Hemank Lamba, PK and Anupam Joshi.

Mar, 2013: Paridhi Jain and Niharika Sachdeva win the Best Student Participation award at #spsymposium13.

Mar, 2013: Srishti Gupta and Mayank Gupta were the winners of the best poster award at #spsymposium13 for their work on OCEAN and Niharika Sachdeva won the second runners-up award for her work on U2P2.

Jan, 2013: PK speaks about Privacy in India on Doordarshan's TV show Good Evening India.

Jan, 2013: Poster acceptance notifications for Security and Privacy Symposium at IIT Kanpur sent to the authors.

Jan, 2013: Our complete Spring 2013 schedule for "Brainstorm - Precog's Reading boulevard" is now available.

Jan, 2013: Our work on Finding Nemo gets featured in an article on Atelier.

Jan, 2013: Our Internet Practices Study is now live! Please participate and help us spread. Win prizes!

Jan, 2013: OCEAN: Open source Collation of eGovernment data and Networks, goes live!

Jan, 2013: New technical report: "Finding Nemo: Searching and Resolving Identities of Users Across Online Social Networks". Authors: Paridhi and PK.

Dec, 2012: We will be co-organizing Security and Privacy Symposium at IIT Kanpur.

Dec, 2012: We will be co-organizing the Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) for the second time at WWW 2013.

Dec, 2012: Our work on Credibility on Twitter gets mentioned in articles: "Building a Better Truth Machine" on Slate and "Tweets Need A Credibility Rating And This Lie Detector Algorithm Could Help" on TechCrunch.

Dec, 2012: Our Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness V 2.0 report gets covered in leading newspapers of India. TOI; EconomicTimes; BusinessStandard; DeccanHerald; DeccanChronicle; Asianet; FirstPost.

Dec, 2012: The Privacy Advisor, newsletter from IAPP covers our Privacy in India study "Professors Publish Largest To-Date Study on Privacy in India".

Nov, 2012: Anupama Aggarwal successfully defended her M.Tech. thesis today!

Nov, 2012: Shivangi blogs about our recent report on Privacy Perceptions in India.

Nov, 2012: Simon Davies (@PrivacySurgeon) blogs about our recent Privacy in India report.

Nov, 2012: Technical Report Released (largest study on privacy perceptions in India): " Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness V 2.0"

Nov, 2012: Wombat Security Technologies was a Finalist at the Pittsburgh Tech50 Awards!

Nov, 2012: Precogs got a chance to interact and describe some of our work to Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy, Founder, Infosys Limited.

Oct, 2012: Our work on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media being showcased to the Chief Minister of Delhi! Some pics from the discussion and demo with the CM.

Oct, 2012: "PhishAri: Automatic Realtime Phishing Detection on Twitter" won the Best Paper Award at seventh IEEE APWG eCrime Researchers Summit (eCRS), 2012! Authors: Anupama, Ashwin, and PK. Explore PhishAri.

Oct, 2012: Twit-Digest poster won the 2nd Runner's Up prize (among 37 posters) at IBM I-CARE 2012. Authors: Aditi, Akshit, and PK.

Oct, 2012: A system on social media analytics won the first prize at Srategem Team: Tiago, Prateek, Virgilio, PK, and Wagner.

Oct, 2012: SMSAssassin won the second prize at APP KRAFT Team: Swetank, Kuldeep, and PK.

Oct, 2012: We are on IIIT-D's home page.

Oct, 2012: Wombat Security Technologies, Inc. (PK's Ph.D. thesis work contributed in creating this start-up) is the 'Gold Winner' at The Golden Globe Awards for IT Training and Education.

Oct, 2012: Anupama Aggarwal receives TCS Ph.D. research fellowship.

Sep, 2012: Two posters and a Tech2Share video accepted at IBM ICARE 2012! (1) Twit-Digest: A Web based Tool to Analyze and Visualize Twitter in Real-time. Authors: Aditi, Akshit, PK (2) Is Government a Friend or Foe? Privacy in Open Government Data. Authors: Srishti, Mayank, PK (3) ChaMAILeon: Simplified email sharing like never before. Authors: Prateek Dewan, Mayank Gupta, Sheethal Shreedhar, PK.

Sep, 2012: Our BrainstorM and Datasets go live! PK's blog entry on this.  

Sep, 2012: Ashwin gets travel and registration support to present our PhishAri paper at eCrime Research Summit 2012!

Sep, 2012: Our paper "'White Pride Worldwide': A Meta-Analysis of Stormfront.org," gets accepted at Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges? Authors: Maura Conway, Prateek Dewan, Lisa Mcinerney, and PK.

Sep, 2012: Prateek's work with Maura Conway, Dublin City University mentioned in Newsletter from Centre for International Studies.

Sep, 2012: Our paper "PhishAri: Automatic Realtime Phishing Detection on Twitter" gets accepted at APWG eCrime Researchers Summit. Authors: Anupama, Ashwin, and PK. Explore PhishAri.

Sep, 2012: Ms. Betsy Broder, Counsel for International Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) & Ms. Maneesha Mithal, Associate Director, Division of Privacy and Identity protection, FTC visiting us.

Sep, 2012: Prof. Mausam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington visiting us.

Sep, 2012: Hemank Lamba, Alumni 2012 joins IBM-IRL today.

Aug, 2012: Our paper "WYSWYE: Shoulder Surfing Defense for Recognition Based Graphical Passwords" gets accepted at OzCHI. Authors: Rohit Ashok Khot, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Kannan Srinathan.

Aug, 2012: Prof. Ravi Sandhu, University of Texas at San Antonio visiting us.

Aug, 2012: We receive NSF international supplement. Title: Online Privacy and Senior Citizens - A Socio-Technical Multi-Perspective Framework for Trustworthy Operation, #0916612. U.S. PIs: H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu Upadhyaya and Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, SUNY Buffalo.

Aug, 2012: Wombat Security Technologies selected as finalists in the Golden Bridge Innovation award for IT Training and Education for the security training platform.

Aug, 2012: Our paper gets accepted at UMSocial 2012. Authors: Aditi Gupta, Prof. Anupam Joshi, and PK.

Jul, 2012: Siddhartha receives the student travel grant to attend Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems. Thanks to APSYS!

Jul, 2012: The Saucer 2012, Newsletter of CUPS mentions Precog activities! Check out the alumni updates section for the same!

Jul, 2012: Some new blog entries by our members, Prateek: 'The Republic of Ireland', Prachi: 'Life @ISI..' and Vidushi: NUS School of Computing trip… Wonderful experience of my life :).

Jul, 2012: Our paper gets accepted at LBSN 2012. Authors: Tatiana Pontes, Marisa Vasconcelos, Jussara Almeida, Virgilio Almeida, PK.

Jun, 2012: Precog's work in collaboration with Dublin City University was covered on Ireland's national television RTE One on June 25, 2012.

Jun, 2012: Komal successfully defended her Masters thesis! First IIIT-Delhi graduate (Masters) student of the group!

Jun, 2012: PhishGuru 3.0 Wins PC Magazine's "Editor's Choice" for Anti-Phishing Products!!!

Jun, 2012: Ashwin Rajadesingan, our recent Alumni (BTP 2012) will be joining MS in Computer Science Program at Arizona State University.

Jun, 2012: Niharika receives complimentary registration and travel grant to attend SOUPS 2012! Thanks to SOUPS!

Jun, 2012: Our paper gets accepted at CSOSN 2012. Authors: Anshu Malhotra, Luam Catão, Prof. Wanger Meira, Prof. Virgilio Almeida, PK.

May, 2012: Tiago successfully defended his Masters thesis! First graduate (Masters) student of the group! Co-advised by Prof. Virgilio Almeida and PK.

May, 2012: Anupama Aggarwal joins us as a Ph.D. scholar.

May, 2012: Vidushi Chaudhary visits NUS for summer school 2012.

May, 2012: Prachi Jain goes to USC for summer internship.

May, 2012: Arun Jindal goes to Microsoft India for summer internship.

Apr, 2012: EDU Tech features an article about IPTSE Winter School 2011, conducted by us in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University.

Apr, 2012: Anupama wins Google India Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2012! Winners rate was 2.6%.

Apr, 2012: SMSAssassin will be presented as a Demo at MDM 2012. If you are attending MDM, please stop-by to take a look at the demo.

Apr, 2012: Our PSOSM 2012 worksop featured in MIT Technology Review.

Mar, 2012: Poster by students of the group 'Privacy in Open Government Data' wins best poster award in the research category at RS'12.

Mar, 2012: Four posters by students of our group will be showcased at RS'12. This is work done as part of the group.

Mar, 2012: Our blog goes live!

Mar, 2012: Niharika Sachdeva receives TCS Ph.D. research fellowship to work on usable security.

Mar, 2012: Aditi Gupta's paper titled Credibility Ranking of Tweets during High Impact Events gets accepted at PSOSM 2012.

Mar, 2012: Siddhartha Asthana's paper titled Tring! Tring! - An Exploration and Analysis of Interactive Voice Response Systems gets accepted at IndiaHCI 2012.

Mar, 2012: Accepted papers for PSOSM 2012 now online!

Mar, 2012: Rohit Khot, a recent graduate from IIIT-Hyderabad joins the group as a Research Associate.

Feb, 2012: SmartTalk: Alumni, Sidharth Chhabra, Ph.D. student at University of Michigan on Feb 28.

Feb, 2012: SmartTalk: Alumni Sunil Ghai giving a SmartTalk on Occupancy Detection in Commercial Buildings using Opportunistic Context Sources on Feb 17.

Feb, 2012: Prateek Dewan joins us as a Ph.D. scholar.

Feb, 2012: PhishAri is now available as a Chrome extension! Please download, use it, and spread it!

Feb, 2012: Our work on Privacy got covered by The Washington Post!

Jan, 2012: Two of our Ph.D. students (Aditi Gupta and Paridhi Jain) are now visiting Ebiquity, UMBC, USA.

Jan, 2012: Two Masters students (Luam Catão and Tiago Rodrigues) from UFMG, Brazil visiting us for the next 2 months.

Dec, 2011: Three great news to share: 1. Niharika Sachdeva joins us as a Ph.D. scholar; 2. Kuldeep Yadav receives NVIDIA academic grant; 3. Siddhartha Asthana receives TCS Ph.D. fellowship.

Nov, 2011: The website for WWW worksop PSOSM 2012 is LIVE now!

Nov, 2011: We will co-organize (with Prof. Virgilio Almeida, UFMG, Brazil) the workshop Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) at WWW, 2012. Stay tuned for details!

Nov, 2011: Kanika Narang gets a job offer.

Oct, 2011: Hemank Lamba gets a job offer.

Oct, 2011: Manasi Sachdeva gets a job offer.

Sept, 2011: We are co-organizing the 2011 Winter School Internship Program in Technology Supported Education in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University.

Sept, 2011: Komal Sachdeva gets a job offer.

Sept, 2011: Anshu Malhotra gets a job offer.

Sep, 2011: All three submitted posters to I-CARE 2011 got accepted. Congrats to Aditi, Kuldeep, Anshu, Niharika, and Rushil. Stay tuned for the posters!

Sept, 2011: Our paper Phi.sh/$oCiaL: The Phishing Landscape through Short URLs gets the Best Paper Award at CEAS 2011

Aug, 2011: Paridhi, Tiago, and Gabriel’s short paper Cross-pollination of Information in Online Social Media: A Case Study on Popular Social Networks gets accepted at Third International Conference on Social Computing

Aug, 2011: Denzil and Ashish’s paper Mining Tweets for Tag Recommendation on Social Media gets accepted at 3rd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents (SMUC 2011)

Aug, 2011: Our survey on Privacy in India is online now! Please participate to help understand the status of privacy in India. Win exciting prizes such as digicam, iPods.  

Aug, 2011: Aditi's Technical Report on Twitter Explodes with Activity in Mumbai Blasts! A Lifeline or an Unmonitored Daemon in the Lurking? is online now. 

July, 2011: We are helping in organizing a one day workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media. Thanks to CDAC-Hyderabad for organizing the workshop. 

July, 2011: Sid and Anupama’s paper Phi.sh/$oCiaL: The Phishing Landscape through Short URLs gets accepted at CEAS 2011. Joint work with Fabricio BenevenutoFederal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brazil. 

May, 2011: Kuldeep receives the prestigious Microsoft Research India Ph.D. Fellowships. Kuldeep received the fellowship from Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft on May 26th.

May, 2011: Niharika’s paper gets accepted at SOUPS 2011. Joint work with Iulia IonSrdjan Capkun, ETH Zurich.

May, 2011: Mohona Ghosh, Aditi Gupta, Paridhi Jain, and Niharika Sachdeva will attend the 2011 Summer School of Security and Priv acy. Thanks to MSR India for supporting them! 

Feb, 2011: Our paper gets accepted at Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb), Co-located workshop at WWW 2011. Joint work with Archit Gupta from IIT DelhiKrishnamurthy Koduv ayur ViswanathanProf. Anupam Joshi, and Prof. Timothy Finin from UMBC

Feb, 2011: Our SMSAssassin research featured in New Scientist.

Feb, 2011: Our Online Storage Study is live now. Please participate and help us spread the word about this study.

Feb, 2011: Three students (Tiago Rodrigues, Gabriel Magno, and Joao Persce) from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil are visiting us for three weeks.

Feb, 2011: We restarted our SMS spam data collection; please forward us your SMS spams. Help us spread the word about the data collection.

Jan, 2011: Our paper gets accepted at CHI 2011. Joint work with Rohit Khot and Prof. Kannan Srinathan, IIIT Hyderabad.

Jan, 2011: We are co-organizing Privacy and Security in Social Media: An International Perspective (PSSM).

Dec, 2010: Two papers got accepted in HotMobile 2011, one by Kuldeep, IIIT-D, and the other by Shruthi, GeogiaTech.

Nov, 2010: A Ph.D. student from ETH ZurichLulia Lon,  visited us on from Nov 29 - Dec 3.

Aug, 2010: Master’s student, Gustavo Rauber, from, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil visited us from Aug 4 - Sept 7.

Aug, 2010: Our Privacy Study goes live, please participate to win attractive prizes.

Aug, 2010: First research paper gets accepted at Sixth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, 2010, Taiwan.

July, 2010: Fifteen Under Graduate students finish their Summer Internship with Precog. Summer Interns 2010.

July, 2010: Denzil Correa, one of the Ph.D. students in Precog interns at IBM IRL.

July, 2010: Two smart, talented, and enthusiastic students join the Precog group for their Ph.D. in Computer Science at IIIT-Delhi - Aditi Gupta, Paridhi Jain.

June, 2010: Precog receives research grant from International Development Research Centre, Canada to work on Privacy perceptions in India. Precog will closely work with Privacy International on this research. PI: Ponnurangam Kumaraguru.