Selected Publications
Sinha, S., Prabhu, A., Bhat, S., Bethge, M., & Kumaraguru, P. (2024). "Wu’s Method Boosts Symbolic AI to Rival Silver Medalists and AlphaGeometry to Outperform Gold Medalists at IMO Geometry." Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 workshop - MATH-AI.

Vennam, S., Joishy, A. R., & Kumaraguru, P. (2024). "Efficient Vocabulary Compression for Low-Resource Language Models." Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 Compression Workshop.

Vennam, S., Singh, S., Govil, A., & Kumaraguru, P. (2024). "Emergence of Text Semantics in CLIP Image Encoders." Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 workshop - UniReps.

"Improving Bias Metrics in Vision-Language Models by Addressing Inherent Model Disabilities." Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 workshop: Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Metrics and Evaluation.

Goel, S., Amey, Torr, P., & Amartya. (2024). "Corrective Machine Unlearning." Accepted at Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR).

Donakanti, R., Kavathekar, I., Hanuma, Goel, A., Kumaraguru, P., Tripathi, Y., Girhepuje, S., Krishnan, G., Goyal, S., & Balaraman, R. (2024). "Incorporating Safety through Accuracy and Fairness - Are LLMs ready for the Indian Legal Domain?" Accepted at JURIX (as short paper).

Prabhu, A., Sinha, S., Kumaraguru, P., Torr, P. H. S., Sener, O., & Dokania, P. K. (2024). "Random Representations Outperform Online Continually Learned Representations." Accepted at NeurIPS 2024. Paper

Kavathekar, I., Rani, A., Chamoli, A., Kumaraguru, P., Sheth, A., & Das, A. (2024). "Counter Turing Test (CT2): Investigating AI-Generated Text Detection for Hindi--Ranking LLMs based on Hindi AI Detectability Index (ADIhi)." Accepted at EMNLP 2024 Findings. Paper

Balappanawar, Ishwar B., Ashmit Chamoli, Ruwan Wickramarachchi, Aditya Mishra, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Amit Sheth, "Towards Infusing Auxiliary Knowledge for Distracted Driver Detection." In Fourth Workshop on Knowledge-infused Learning, co-located with 30th ACM KDD Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 26th August, 2024. Paper

Kolipaka, V., Sinha, A., Mishra, D., Kumar, S., Goel, S., Arun, A., Kumaraguru, P. Sanity Checks for Evaluating Graph Unlearning. Accepted at CoLLAs 2024 - Workshop Track. Paper

Agarwal, A., Priyadarshi, P., Sinha, S., Gupta, S., Jangra, H., Garimella, K., & Kumaraguru, P. Television Discourse Decoded: Comprehensive Multimodal Analytics at Scale. Accepted at 2024 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Aug 25-29 in Barcelona, Catalonia). Paper

Singh S., Ravfogel S., Jonathan H., Aharoni R., Cotterell R., and Kumaraguru P. MiMiC: Minimally Modified Counterfactuals in the Representation Space. Accepted at The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024. Paper

Li, N., Pan, A., Gopal, A., Yue, S., Goel, S., et al. The WMDP Benchmark: Measuring and Reducing Malicious Use With Unlearning. Accepted at The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024. Paper

Dhawan, M.*, Sharma, S.*, Kadam, A., Sharma, R. and Kumaraguru, P. GAME-ON: Graph Attention Network Based Multimodal Fusion For Fake News Detection. Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2024. Paper

Arun, A., Chhatani, S., An, J., and Kumaraguru, P. X-posing Free Speech: Examining the Impact of Moderation Relaxation on Online Social Networks. Accepted at The 8th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH) on June 20 at NAACL 2024 (Mexico City, Mexico). Paper

Singh, S., Goel, S., Vaduguru, S., Kumaraguru, P. Probing Negation in Language Models. Accepted at 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP) at 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2023. Paper

Bonagiri, V., Vennam, S., Govil, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Garg, M. SaGE: Evaluating Moral Consistency in Large Language Models. Accepted at LREC-COLING 2024, 20-25 May, 2024, Torino, Italy Paper

Mishra, R., Desur P., Shah, RR., and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, P. "Multilingual Coreference Resolution in Low-resource South Asian Languages" Proceedings of the 14th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 2024. Paper

Goel, S., Prabhu, A., Torr, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Sanyal, A. Corrective Machine Unlearning. Accepted at Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR) Workshop at ICLR 2024 (May 11 in Vienna, Austria) Paper

Jaglan K., Chaitanya M., Sharma T., Singam A., Goyal N., Kumaraguru P. and Brandes U. Tight Sampling in Unbounded Networks. Accepted at 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM’ 24), June 3rd – 6th 2024, Buffalo, New York, USA Paper

Jangra, H., Pandey, T., Singhal, S., Kandhari, K., Tomar, K. and Kumaraguru, P. Together Apart: Decoding Support Dynamics in Online COVID-19 Communities. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2023 (ASONAM ’23), November 6-9, 2023, Turkey Paper

Khatri, M., Sheik, R., Wadhwa, P., Satija, G., Kumar, Y., Shah, R., Kumaraguru, P. CiteCaseLAW: Citation Worthiness Detection in Caselaw for Legal Assistive Writing. Accepted at JURIX 2023. Short paper. Paper

Singh, S., Goel, S., Vaduguru, S., Kumaraguru, P. Probing Negation in Language Models. Accepted at 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP) at 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2023. Paper

Mishra, R., Yadav, A., Shah, RR., Kumaraguru, P. Explaining Finetuned Transformers on Hate Speech Predictions using Layerwise Relevance Propagation, accepted at 11th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2023. Paper

Arora, G., Kumaraguru, P., Alluri, V. Examining the Relationship between the Highly Sensitive Person Scale, Music Listening Strategies and Subjective Well-Being in India. Accepted at ICPMC 2023 Paper

Arora, G., Choudhari, K., Kumaraguru, P., Alluri, V. From Sunrise to Sunset: Investigating Diurnal Rhythmic Patterns in Music Listening Habits in India. Accepted at CMMR 2023 Paper

Arvindh, Agrawal, A., Aanegola, A., Narayanan., R., Kumaraguru, P. CAFIN: Centrality Aware Fairness inducing IN-processing for Unsupervised Representation Learning on Graphs. Accepted at 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023. Paper Appendix

Govil P., Krishna Bonagiri V., Garg M., and Kumaraguru P. Representation Learning for Identifying Depression Causes in Social Media. In M. Gaur, E. Tsamoura, S. Sreedharan, S. Mittal. Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge-infused Learning (KDD KiL 2023). Long Beach, California, USA, August 6, 2023. Paper

Moradshahi, M., Shen, T., Bali, K., Choudhury, M., de Chalendar, G., Goel, A., Kim, S., Kodali, P., Kumaraguru, P., Semmar, N., Semnani, S., Seo, J., Seshadri, V., Shrivastava, M., Sun, M., Yadavalli, A., You, C., Xiong, D. and Lam, M. X-RiSAWOZ: High-Quality End-to-End Multilingual Dialogue Datasets and Few-shot Agents. Accepted at Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, July 9-July 14, 2023, Toronto, Canada Paper

Hanuma, V., Kodali, P., Srivastava M., Kumaraguru, P. PrecogIIITH@WASSA2023: Emotion Detection for Urdu-English Code-mixed Text Accepted at WASSA 2023 Shared Task at ACL 2023, July 9-July 14, 2023, Toronto, Canada Paper

Jangra, H., K,A., Saha, S., Banerjee, S., Chelliah, M. and Kumaraguru, P. Social Re-Identification Assisted RTO Detection for E-Commerce. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (WWW ’23 Companion), April 30-May 4, 2023, Austin, TX, USA Paper

Jangra, H., Shah, RR., and Kumaraguru, P. Effect of Feedback on Drug Consumption Disclosures on Social Media. In Proceedings of the 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM' 23), June 5th-8th, 2023, Limassol, Cyprus Paper Dataset Supplement

Girhepuje, S., Goel, A., Krishnan, G., Goyal, S., Pandey, S., Kumaraguru, P., & Ravindran, B. Are Models Trained on Indian Legal Data Fair? Accepted at 3rd Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL), February 24th-26th, 2023, Hyderabad, India Pre-print

Goyal, N., Kalra, J., Sharma, C., Mutharaju, R., Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. JobXMLC: EXtreme Multi-Label Classification of Job Skills with Graph Neural Networks. Accepted at Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023. Paper

Agarwal, A.*, Gupta, S.*, Bonagiri, V., Gaur, M., Reagle, J., and Kumaraguru, P. Towards Effective Paraphrasing for Information Disguise. Accepted at The 45th European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023). Short Paper. Paper Slides Code Poster

Goyal, N., Mamidi, R., Sachdeva,N., and Kumaraguru, P. Warning: It’s a scam!! Towards understanding the Employment Scams using Knowledge Graphs. Accepted at ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD 2023) YRS track. Bombay, Jan 4 - 7, 2023 Paper Slides Poster Presentation pics Conference pics

Goel, A., Sharma, C., Kumaraguru, P. An Unsupervised, Geometric and Syntax-aware Quantification of Polysemy. Accepted at EMNLP 2022. Pre-print

Gupta, D., Saini, A., Bhagat, S., Uppal, S., Jain, R., Bhasin, D., Kumaraguru, P., and Shah, R. A Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevance Feedback. Accepted at Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2023. Paper Supplement

Neha, K., Agrawal, V., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. The Pursuit of Being Heard: An Unsupervised Approach to Narrative Detection in Online Protest. Accepted at ASONAM 2022. Short Paper. Pre-Print Slides

Tulasi, A., Mondal, M., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Understanding the Impact of Awards on Award Winners and the Community on Reddit. Accepted at ASONAM 2022. Short Paper. Pre-Print

Kamble T., Desur P., Krause A., Kumaraguru P., Alluri V., (2022). “The Times They Are-a-Changin”: The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Online Music Sharing in India accepted in proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2022. Paper Dataset Slides Video

Gupta S.*, Agarwal A.*, Gaur M., Roy K., Narayanam V., Kumaraguru P., Sheth A. (2022). Learning to Automate Follow-up Question Generation using Process Knowledge for Depression Triage on Reddit Posts. In proceedings of the "Eight Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Mental Health in the Face of Change" held in conjunction with NAACL'22. Paper Dataset Slides Poster Video

Singh A., Arun A., Malhotra P., Desur P., Jain A., Chau D., Kumaraguru P. 2022. Erasing Labor with Labor: Dark Patterns and Lockstep Behaviors on Google Play. In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’22), June 28-July 1, 2022, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 3511095.3536368 Paper Dataset Slides Poster

Arora, U.*, Goyal, N.*, Goel, A., Sachdeva,N., Kumaraguru, P. Ask It Right! Identifying Low-Quality questions on Community Question Answering Services . In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2022), July 19 - July 23, Padua,Italy. Pre-Print Dataset

Singh A., Jain J., Kameswari L., Kumaraguru P., and Pal J. : Note :Urbanization and Literacy as factors in Politicians' Social Media Use in a largely Rural State: Evidence from Uttar Pradesh, India, In ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS '22) Poster

Neha, K., Agrawal, V., Kumar, V., Mohar, T., Chopra, A., Buduru, A., Sharma, R., Kumaraguru, P.: A Tale of Two Sides: Study of Protesters and Counter-protesters on #CitizenshipAmendmentAct Campaign on Twitter. Accepted at WebSci-2022. Paper Dataset

Awasthi, R., Guliani, K., Khan, S., Vashishtha, A., Gill, M., Bhatt, A., Nagori, A., Gupta, A., Kumaraguru, P., Sethi, P. VacSIM: Learning Effective Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution using Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Intelligence-Based Medicine. 2022. Pre-Print

Singh, A., Arun A., Malhotra P., Desur, P., Jain, A., Chau, DH., and Kumaraguru, P. 2022. Erasing Labor with Labor: Dark Patterns and Lockstep Behaviors on Google Play. In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 186–191. Paper

Suahvi, Singh, A., Singh, A., Shrivastava, S., Arora, U., Kumaraguru, P., and Shah, RR. Twitter-STMHD: An Extensive User-Level Database of Multiple Mental Health Disorders. In Proceedings of the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM' 22), June 6th-9th, 2022, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Pre-Print

Gurjar, O., Bansal, T., Hitkul, Lamba, H., and Kumaraguru, P. Effect of Popularity Shocks on User Behavior. In Proceedings of the 16th AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM’ 22), June 6-9, 2022, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Paper Dataset Slides Video

Singhal, S., Shah, RR., and Kumaraguru, P. FactDrill: A Data Repository of Fact-checked Social Media Content to Study Fake News Incidents in India. In Proceedings of the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), June 6th-9th, Atlanta, Georgia. Paper Dataset

Singhal, S., Pandey, T., Mrig, S., Shah, RR., and Kumaraguru, P. Leveraging Intra and Inter Modality Relationship for Multimodal Fake News Detection. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Understanding for the Web and Social Media (MUWS), co-located with The WebConf (WWW) 2022, April 25-29 2022. Paper Code Slides

Kapoor, A., Guhathakurta, D., Mathur, M., Yadav, Y., Gupta, M., Kumaraguru, P. : TweetBoost: Influence of Social Media on NFT Valuation. Accepted at FinWeb-2022 (Workshop at WWW '2022) Pre-Print Dataset

Phutela, N., Relan, D., Gabrani, G., Kumaraguru, P., Samuel,M. : Stress Classification Using Brain Signals Based on LSTM Network. Accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022. Paper

Ashwin, Subramanian, M., Agarwal, A., Priyadarshi, P, Gupta, S., Garimella, K., Kumaraguru, P., Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Garg, L., Arya, A.: Diagnosing Data from ICTs to Provide Focused Assistance in Agricultural Adoptions. Accepted at International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2022. Paper

Kapoor, A., Dhawan, M., Goel, A., Arjun, T.H, Bhatnagar, A., Agrawal, V., Agrawal, A., Bhattacharya, A., Kumaraguru, P., Modi, A. : HLDC: Hindi Legal Documents Corpus. Accepted at Findings of ACL 2022. Paper Code

Kodali, P., Goel, A., Choudhury, M., Shrivastava, M., Kumaraguru, P. : SyMCoM - Syntactic Measure of Code Mixing A Study Of English-Hindi Code-Mixing. Accepted at Findings of ACL 2022. Paper Slides Poster

Kodali, P., Bhatnagar, A., Ahuja, N., Shrivastava, M, Kumaraguru, P., : HashSet - A Dataset for Hashtag Segmentation. Paper Dataset Slides

Phutela, N., Relan, D., Gabrani, G., Kumaraguru, P.:EEG Based Stress Classification in Response to Stress Stimulus. Accepted at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology (2022). Paper

Dhawan, A., Bhalla, M., Arora, D., Kaushal, R., Kumaraguru, P.: FakeNewsIndia: A Benchmark Dataset of Fake News Incidents in India, Collection Methodology and Impact Assesment in Social Media. Accepted at Journal of Computer Communications (2022). Paper Dataset

Tulasi, A., Kitamoto, A., Buduru, A., Kumaraguru, P.: An Exploratory Study on Temporally Evolving Discussions around COVID-19 using Diachronic Word Embeddings. Accepted at Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities (NLP4DH), (co-located with ICON 2021) (2021). Paper

Kapoor, A., Jain, R.R., Prabhu, A., Karandikar, T., Kumaraguru, P.: “I'll be back”: Examining Restored Accounts On Twitter. Accepted at The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (2021). Paper Dataset

Karandikar, T., Prabhu, A., Tulasi, A., Buduru, A.B., Kumaraguru, P.: Efficient Representation of Interaction Patterns with Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering for Classification of Users on Twitter. Accepted at The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (2021). Paper

Neha, K., Mohan, T., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Truth and Travesty Intertwined: A Case Study of #SSR Counter public Campaign. Accepted at International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT-SI), (co-located with ASONAM'2021). The Hague, Netherlands. Paper

Singhal, S., Dhawan, M., Shah, RR., and Kumaraguru, P. Inter-modality Discordance for Multimodal Fake News Detection. In ACM Multimedia Asia (MMAsia ’21), December 1–3, 2021, Gold Coast, Australia. Paper Code Slides Poster

Singh, A., Jain, C., Jain, J., Jain, R., Sehgal, S., Pandey, T. and Kumaraguru, P., 2021. What's Kooking? Characterizing India's Emerging Social Network, Koo. In: The 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'21). The Hague, Netherlands. Paper Dataset Slides

T. H. Arjun, Arvindh A., and Kumaraguru Ponnurangam. 2021. Precog-LTRC-IIITH at GermEval 2021: Ensembling Pre-Trained Language Models with Feature Engineering. In Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments, pages 39–46, Duesseldorf, Germany. Association for Computational Linguistics. Paper Code Poster

Jolly, B., Aggrawal, P., Gulati, A., Sethi, A., Kumaraguru, P., Sethi, T. Psychometric Analysis and Coupling of Emotions Between State Bulletins and Twitter in India during COVID-19 Infodemic. In Frontiers in Communication, Section Health Communication. July 2021. Paper

Singh, A.K., Mehan, P., Sharma, D., Pandey, R., Sethi, T. and Kumaraguru, P. (Un) Masked COVID-19 Trends from Social Media. In Journal for Public Health & Surveillance 2021. Paper

Chandra, M., Reddy, M., Sehgal, S., Gupta, S., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. “A Virus Has No Religion”: Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter During the COVID-19 Outbreak. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’21), August 30-September 2, 2021, Virtual Event, Ireland. Paper Dataset Slides

Geetha, R., Karthika, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Tweet-Scan-Post - A system for Analysis of Sensitive Private Data Disclosure in Online Social Media. In Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS). 2021. Paper

Goyal, N., Sachdeva, N., Goel, A., Kalra, J., and Kumaraguru, P. KCNet: Kernel-based Canonicalization Network for entities in Recruitment Domain. In 30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). 2021. Paper Slides

Goyal, N., Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Spy The Lie: Fraudulent Jobs Detection in Recruitment Domain using Knowledge Graphs. In 14th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2021). 2021. Paper

Gautam, D., Kodali, P., Gupta, K., Goel, A., Shrivastava, M., and Kumaraguru, P. CoMeT: Towards Code-Mixed Translation Using Parallel Monolingual Sentences. In Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code Switching Workshop, as part of NAACL 2021. Paper

Chandra, M., Pailla, D., Bhatia, H., Sanchawala, A., Gupta, M., Shrivastava, M., and Kumaraguru, P. “Subverting the Jewtocracy”: Online Antisemitism Detection Using Multimodal Deep Learning In 13th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci) 2021. Paper Code Dataset Slides

Parimi, V., Pal, A., Ruj, S., Kumaraguru, P. and Chakraborty, T. On the Vulnerability of Community Structure in Complex Networks In Principles of Social Networking: The New Horizon and Emerging Challenge, Springer, 2021. Paper

Singhal, S., Kabra, A., Sharma, M., Shah, RR., Chakraborty, T., and Kumaraguru, P., SpotFake+: A Multimodal Framework for Fake News Detection via Transfer Learning (Student Abstract). In Proceedings of Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), February 7-12, 2020, New York, USA. Paper Code Poster Dataset

Goel, A. and Kumaraguru, P. Leveraging Smooth Manifolds for Lexical Semantic Change Detection across Corpora In NeurIPS 2020, DiffGeo4DL Workshop. Paper Slides

Goel, A. and Kumaraguru, P. Detecting Lexical Semantic Change across Corpora with Smooth Manifolds (Student Abstract). In 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021. Paper Finalist for Best Student Paper Award

Chandra, M., Pathak, A., Dutta, E., Jain, P., Gupta, M., Shrivastava, M., Kumaraguru, P. AbuseAnalyzer: Abuse Detection, Severity and Target Prediction for Gab Posts. In 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) 2020. Paper Poster

Goel, A., and Kumaraguru, P. A Geometric Measure of Polysemy in Hindi Language. In ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data 2021 (Young Researchers’ Symposium). Paper Slides

Gupta S., Agarwal A., Vyalla, S., Buduru, A. and Kumaraguru, P. #IVoted to #IGotPwned: Studying Voter Privacy Leaks in Indian Lok Sabha Elections on Twitter. In 12th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2020. Poster Slides

Tulasi, A., Gupta, K., Gurjar, O., Buggana, S., Mehan, P., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Who Won it Online? A comparative study of 2019 Indian General Elections on Twitter. In 12th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2020. Poster

Gupta, S., Buduru, A. and Kumaraguru, P. imdpGAN: Generating Private and Specific Data with Generative Adversarial Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications 2020. Paper

Mishra, R., Sadaria, A., Srikanth, S., Gupta, K., Bhatia, H., Jain, P., Shah, RR. and Kumaraguru, P. Analyzing Traffic Violations through e-challan System in Metropolitan Cities (Workshop Paper). In 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020. Paper

Hitkul, Gurjar, O., Sadaria, A., Gupta, K., Srikanth, S., Shah, RR. and Kumaraguru, P. Are Bot Humans? Analysis of bot accounts in 2019 Indian Lok Sabha election (Workshop Paper). In 6th IEEE International Confrence on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020. Paper

Manu, D., Krishnan, R., and Kumaraguru, P. Exploring Shifts in Online Political Discourse: A Study of the 2014 and 2019 National Elections in India. In Annual Conference of the European Association of Political Science (EPSA), Prague, June 18-20, 2020. Paper

Manu, D., Krishnan, R., and Kumaraguru, P. Analysing How the Shift in Discourses on Social Media Affected the Narrative Around the Indian General Election 2019. In Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences Vol 3 No. 1 (2020). Paper

Geetha, R., Karthika, S., and Kumaraguru, P. ‘Will I Regret for This Tweet?’—Twitter User’s Behavior Analysis System for Private Data Disclosure. In The Computer Journal May 2020. Paper

Kaur, S., Kumar, P. and Kumaraguru, P. "DeepFakes: temporal sequential analysis to detect face-swapped video clips using convolutional long short-term memory," J. Electron. Imaging 29(3), 033013 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.29.3.033013. Paper

Gupta, S., Singh, A., Buduru, A. and Kumaraguru, P. Hashtags are (not) judgmental: The untold story of Lok Sabha elections 2019. In 6th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020. Paper Dataset

Gupta, S., Bhambri, S., Dhingra, K., Buduru, A. and Kumaraguru, P. Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning based approach for User-Centric Power Optimization in Smart Home Environments. In IEEE SmartDataServices 2020, Jul 7 - Jul 11, 2020. Paper

Mohapatra, D., Pal, S., De, S., Kumaraguru, P. and Chakraborty, T. Modeling Citation Trajectories of Scientific Papers. In PAKDD 2020, May 11 - May 16, 2020. Paper

Kaur, S., Kumar, P. and Kumaraguru, P. Detecting clickbaits using two-phase hybrid CNN-LSTM biterm model. In Journal of Expert system with applications, 2020. Paper

Lamba, H., Srikanth, S., Reddy, D., Singh, S., Juneja, K. and Kumaraguru, P. Driving the Last Mile: Characterizing and Understanding Distracted Driving Posts on Social Networks. Accepted at International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2020. Paper Code Flier Slides Dataset

Goyal, N., Sachdeva N., Choudhary V., Kar R., Kumaraguru P., and Rajput N. Con2KG-A Large-scale Domain-Specific Knowledge Graph. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 287-288. 2019. Paper

Manu, D., Krishnan, R., and Kumaraguru, P. Analysing How the Shift in Discourses on Social Media Affected the Narrative Around the Indian General Election 2019. In 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences (RSSCONF), December 03 - 05, 2019, Vienna, Austria. Paper

Ganguly, N., Kumaraguru, P. The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media in India. In Communications of Association of Computing Machinery, Nov 2019. Paper

Kaushal, R., Gupta, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Investigation of Biases in Identity Linkage DataSets. In 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2020), March 30 - April 3, 2020, Brno, Czech Republic. Paper

Kaushal, R., Singh, S., and Kumaraguru, P. NeXLink: Node Embedding Framework for Cross-Network Linkages Across Social Networks In International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci-X 2020), January 20 - 23, 2020, Tokyo, Japan. Paper Code Dataset

Kaushal, R., Sharma, C., and Kumaraguru, P. Detection of Misbehaviors in Clone Identities on Online Social Networks. In 7th International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2019), December 19 - 22, 2019, NIT, Goa, India. Paper

Kaushal, R., Ghosh, V., and Kumaraguru, P. Methods for User Profiling Across Social Networks. In 12th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2019), December 16 - 18, 2019, Xiamen, China. Paper Dataset

Kaur, S., Kumar, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Automating Fake News Detection System using Multi-level Voting Model accepted at Journal of Soft computing. Paper

Wason, M., Gupta, S S, Venkatraman, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Building Sociality through Sharing: Seniors' Perspectives on Misinformation. In 11th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci ’19), June 30-July 3, 2019, Boston, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA. Paper

Chandra, A., Borbora, Z., Kumaraguru, P., and Srivastava, J. Finding Your Social Space: Empirical Study of Social Exploration in Multiplayer Online Games. Accepted at 9th Workshop on Social Network Analysis in Applications, as part of International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '19), August 27--30, 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Paper

Borbora, Z., Chandra, A., Kumaraguru, P., and Srivastava, J. On Churn and Social Contagion. Accepted at Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT-SI 2019) as part of International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '19), August 27--30, 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Paper

Singhal, S., Shah, R., Chakraborty, T., Kumaraguru, P., and Satoh, S. SpotFake: A Multi-Modal Framework for Fake News Detection. Accepted at The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data. September 11-13, 2019 Singapore. Paper Code Slides Poster

Hitkul, Shah, R., Kumaraguru, P., and Satoh, S. Maybe look closer? Detecting Trolling Prone Images on Instagram. Accepted at Workshop on Machine Learning for Image analysis and Understanding (MLIAU2019) as part of The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data. September 11-13, 2019 Singapore. Paper

Paul, I., Khattar, A., Kumaraguru, P., Gupta, M, and Chopra, S. Elites Tweet? Characterizing the Twitter Verified User Network. ICDE Workshop on Large Scale Graph Data Analytics (2019). Paper Slides

Jain, S., Niranjan, D., Lamba, H., and Kumaraguru, P. Characterizing and Detecting Livestreaming Chatbots. Accepted at ASONAM 2019. Paper Dataset

Gupta, S., Bhatia, G., Suri, S., Kuchhal, D., Gupta, P., Ahamad, M., Gupta, M., and Kumaraguru, P. Angel or Demon? Characterizing Variations Across Twitter Timeline of Technical Support Campaigners. Journal of Web Science. 2019. Paper

Prajwal K R, Jawahar C V and Kumaraguru, P. Towards Increased Accessibility of Meme Images with the help of Rich Face Emotion Captions. Accepted at ACM Multimedia 2019. Paper Dataset Code Project Page

Rajput, K., Kapoor, R., Mathur, P., Hitkul, Kumaraguru, P., and Shah, R. Transfer learning for detecting hateful sentiments in code-switched language. In Deep learning based approaches for sentiment analysis. Springer. Paper

Gupta, S., Srivatsav, D., Subramanyam, A V. and Kumaraguru, P. Attentional Road Safety Networks. Accepted at 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, September 22-25, 2019. Paper

Merchant, A., Shah, D., Bhatia, G., Ghosh, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Signals Matter: Understanding Popularity and Impact of Users on Stack Overflow. Accepted at The Web Conference (formerly known as WWW), San Francisco, May 13-17, 2019. Paper Poster Code Dataset

Shah, D., Kumaran, A., Sen, R., and Kumaraguru, P. Travel time estimation accuracy in developing regions: An empirical case study with Uber data in Delhi-NCR. Accepted at AW4CITY 2019: 5th International Smart City Workshop, The Web Conference, San Francisco, May 13, 2019. Paper Poster

Paul, I., Khattar, A., Chopra, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Gupta, M. What Sets Verified Users Apart? Insights, Analysis and Prediction of Verified Users on Twitter. Accepted at 11th ACM Conference on Web Science. Paper Slides

Chopra, S., Khattar, A., Dabas, K., Gupta, K., and Kumaraguru, P. Evils of Social Media: Case Study of the Blue Whale Challenge. Accepted at CHI4EVIL workshop at CHI 2019. May 4-9, 2019. Paper

Suri, A., Vijaykeerthy, D., Mehta, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Hardening Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Cascades. Accepted at International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2019). July 14 - 19, 2019. Paper Code Blog

Singh, S., Kaushal, R., Buduru, A., and Kumaraguru, P. KidsGuard: A fine-Grained approach for child UnsAfe video Representation and Detection. Accepted at 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing,. April 8 - 12, 2019. Paper Code

Gupta, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Chakraborty, T. MalReG: Detecting and Analyzing Malicious Retweeter Groups. Accepted at ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD 2019). Kolkata, Jan 3 - 5, 2019. Paper

Pattisapu, N., Gupta, M., Kumaraguru, P., Varma, V. A Distant Supervision Based Approach to Medical Persona Classification. Accepted at Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2019. Paper

Kumar, Y., Aggarwal, S., Mahata, D., Shah, R., Kumaraguru, P., and Zimmermann, R. Get IT Scored using AutoSAS - An Automated System for Scoring Short Answers. Accepted at The Eighth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence 2018 (EAAI-18). Feb 2 - 7, 2019. Paper

Kapoor, R., Kumar, Y., Rajput, K., Shah, R., Kumaraguru, P., and Zimmermann, R. Mind Your Language: Abuse and Offense Detection for Code-Switched Languages. Accepted at 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Feb 2 - 7, 2019. Poster Code

Gupta, S., Sachdeva, S., Dewan, P., and Kumaraguru, P. CbI: Improving Credibility of User-Generated Content on Facebook. Accepted at Sixth International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2018 (BDA 2018). December 18 - 21, 2018 Paper Springer Book Chapter

Verma, A., Wadhwa, A., Singh, N., Beniwal, S., Kaushal, R. and Kumaraguru, P. Followee Management: Helping users follow the right users on Online Social Media. Accepted at International Workshop on Social Human Behavior Analysis through Online Social Media (co-located with ASONAM), Barcelona, Spain, 31 August, 2018. Paper

Choudhary, H., Pathak, A., Shah, R. and Kumaraguru, P. Neural Machine Translation for English-Tamil. Accepted at Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Brussels, Belgium, October 31–November 4, 2018. Paper Code

Gupta, D., Sen, I., Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P. and Buduru, A. Empowering First Responders through Automated Multimodal Content Moderation. Accepted at The Second IEEE International Congress on Cognitive Computing, San Francisco, 2-7 July, 2018. Paper Best Paper Award Code Slides

Singh, K., Sen, I. and Kumaraguru, P. Language Identification and Named Entity Recognition in Hinglish Code Mixed Tweets. Accepted in the ACL Student Research Workshop 2018. Paper Code

Singh, K., Sen, I. and Kumaraguru, P. A Twitter Corpus for Hindi English Code Mixed Dataset for POS Tagging. Accepted in the Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2018). Paper Code

Sen, I., Aggarwal, A., Mian, S., Singh, S., Kumaraguru, P. and Datta, A. Worth its Weight in Likes: Towards Detecting Fake Likes on Instagram. Accepted as a short paper in the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Amsterdam, 27-30 May 2018. Paper Slides

Gupta, S., Kuchhal, D., Gupta, P., Ahamad, M., Gupta, M. and Kumaraguru, P. "Under the Shadow of Sunshine: Characterizing Spam Campaigns Abusing Phone Numbers Across Online Social Networks. Accepted in the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Amsterdam, 27-30 May 2018. Paper

Nanda, V., Lamba, H., Agarwal, D., Arora, M., Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Stop the Killfies! Using Deep Learning to Identify Dangerous Selfies. Accepted at the 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'2018) Applying Machine Learning and AI for Modeling Social Media. Paper

Goel, M., Agrawal, A., Garcia, D. and Kumaraguru, P. Collective Aspects of Privacy in the Twitter Social Network. Accepted at The European Physical Journal Data Science 2018. Paper

Gupta, S., Khattar, A., Gogia, A., Kumaraguru, P. and Chakraborty, T. Collective Classification of Spam Campaigners on Twitter: A Hierarchical Meta-Path Based Approach. Accepted at The Web Conf 2018 (Formerly WWW Conference). Paper

Aggarwal, A., Viswanath, B., Zhang, L., Kumar, S., Shah, A. and Kumaraguru, P. I Spy with My Little Eye: Analysis and Detection of Spying Browser Extensions. Accepted at 3rd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy. Paper

Aggarwal, A., Kumar, S., Bhargava, K., and Kumaraguru, P. The Follower Count Fallacy: Detecting Twitter Users with Manipulated Follower Count. Accepted at 33rd ACM / SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, April 9 - 13, 2018. Paper

Halevi, T., Memon, N., Lewis, J., Kumaraguru, P., Arora, S., Dagar, N., Aloul, F., and Chen, J. Cultural and Psychological Factors in Cyber-Security. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Vol. 13, Nov. 1 & 2 (2017) 043 - 056. Paper

Singh, S., Nanda, V., Sen, R., Sengupta, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Gummadi, K. Leveraging Facebook's Free Basics Engine forWeb Service Deployment in Developing Regions. Accepted at International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2017, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan. Paper

Goel, S., Ahuja, S., Subramanyam, A., Kumaraguru, P. #VisualHashtags: Visual Summarization of Social Media Events Using Mid-Level Visual Elements. Accepted at 25th ACM Conference on MultiMedia 2017. Paper Abstract

Kaushal, R., Chandok, S., Jain, P., Dewan, P., Gupta, N., Kumaraguru, P. Nudging Nemo: Helping Users Control Linkability across Social Networks. Accepted at 9th International Conference on Social Informatics, 2017. Paper

Dewan, P., Bagroy, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Hiding in Plain Sight: The Anatomy of Malicious Pages on Facebook. Lecture Notes in Social Networks. Springer, 2017. Paper Book Chapter

Reganti, A.N., Maheshwari, T., Das A., Chakraborthy, T., Kumaraguru, P.. Understanding Psycho-Sociological Vulnerability of ISIS Patronizers in Twitter. Accepted IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2017). Poster. Paper

Dewan, P., Suri, A., Bharadhwaj, V., Mithal, A., Kumaraguru, P. Towards Understanding Crisis Events On Online Social Networks Through Pictures. Accepted at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2017). (Acceptance rate: 19%) Paper Slides

Pattisapu, N., Gupta, M., Kumaraguru, P. and Varma, V.. Medical Persona Classification in Social Media. Accepted at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2017). (Acceptance rate: 19%) Paper Slides

Singh, S., Nanda, V., Sen, R., Ahmada, S., Sengupta, S., Phokeer, A., Farooq, Z.A., Khan, T.A., Kumaraguru, P., Qazi, I.A., Choffnes, D., Gummadi, K. An Empirical Analysis of Facebook's Free Basics. ACM SIGMETRICS 2017. Poster

Mohamed, M., Gao, S., Sachdeva, N., Saxena, S., Zhang, C., Kumaraguru, P., and van Oorschot, J. On the Security and Usability of Dynamic Cognitive Game CAPTCHAs. Accepted in Journal of Computer Security (JCS), 2017. Paper

Dewan, P., Kumaraguru, P. Facebook Inspector (FbI): Towards Automatic Real Time Detection of Malicious Content on Facebook. Accepted at Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 2017. Volume 7, Issue 1. Paper Springer

Lamba, H., Bharadhwaj, V., Vachher, M., Agarwal, D., Arora, M., Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P. From Camera to Deathbed: Understanding Dangerous Selfies on Social Media. Accepted as Poster at the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2017. Poster

Bagroy, S., Kumaraguru, P., and De Choudhury, M. A Social Media Based Index of Mental Well-Being in College Campuses. Accepted at the 34th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017 (Acceptance rate: 25%). Paper

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Call for Service: Characterizing and Modeling Police Response to Serviceable Requests on Facebook. Accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2017. Paper

Halevi, T., Memon, N. D., Lewis, J., Kumaraguru, P., Arora, S., Dagar, N., Aloul, F. A., and Chen, J. Cultural and Psychological Factors in Cyber-Security. Accepted at 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2016). Paper

Gupta, S., Gupta, P., Ahamad, M., and Kumaraguru, P. Exploiting Phone Numbers and Cross-Application Features in Targeted Mobile Attacks. Accepted at the 6th Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM), 2016. Paper

Kaushal, R., Saha, S., Bajaj, P., and Kumaraguru, P. KidsTube: Detection, Characterization and Analysis of Child Unsafe Content & Promoters on YouTube. Accepted at Privacy Security and Trust (PST), 2016. Paper

Jain, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Joshi, A. Other Times, Other Values: Leveraging Attribute History to Link User Profiles across Online Social Networks. Accepted at Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 2016. Paper

Goel, S., Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P., Subramanyam, A., and Gupta, D. PicHunt: Social Media Image Retrieval for Improved Law Enforcement. Accepted at 8th International Conference on Social Informatics. 2016. #socinfo2016. Paper

Bajaj, P., Kavidayal, M., Srivastava, P., Akthar M., and Kumaraguru, P. Disinformation in Multimedia Annotation: Misleading Metadata Detection on YouTube. Accepted at ACM Multimedia 2016 Workshop:Vision and Language Integration Meets Multimedia Fusion. 2016. Paper

Gupta, S. Emerging Threats Abusing Phone Numbers Exploiting Cross-Platform Features. 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Ph.D. Forum. Paper

Dewan, P., Bagroy, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Hiding in Plain Sight: Characterizing and Detecting Malicious Facebook Pages. Accepted at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2016 (Short Paper). Paper

Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P. and Choudhury, M. - Social Media for Safety: Characterizing Online Interactions between Citizens and Police. Accepted at 30th British Human Computer Interaction Conference (BHCI) 2016. Paper Slides

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Online Social Media - New face of policing? A Survey Exploring Perceptions, Behavior, Challenges for Police Field Officers and Residents. Accepted at 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Paper

Jain, P., and Kumaraguru, P. On the Dynamics of Username Changing Behavior on Twitter. Accepted at 3rd IKDD Conference on Data Science, 2016. Paper

Lerman, K., Arora, M., Marin, L., Kumaraguru, P., and Garcia, D. Emotions, Demographics and Sociability in Online Interactions. Accepted at ICWSM 2016. Paper Slides

Jain, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Joshi, A. Other Times, Other Values: Leveraging Attribute History to Link User Profiles across Online Social Networks. Accepted at Hypertext 2015. Paper

Aggarwal, A., and Kumaraguru, P. What They Do in Shadows: Twitter Underground Follower Market. Accepted at the 13th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2015. Paper

Dewan, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Towards Automatic Real Time Identification of Malicious Posts on Facebook. Accepted at the 13th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2015. Paper

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Online Social Networks and Police in India - Understanding the Perceptions, Behavior, Challenges. Accepted at the European conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), 2015. Paper

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Social Networks for Police and Residents in India: Exploring Online Communication for Crime Prevention. Accepted at the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o), 2015. Paper Best Paper Award

Gupta, A., Kumaraguru, P., Castillo, C., and Meier, P. TweetCred: A Real-time Web-based System for Assessing Credibility of Content on Twitter. Accepted at the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo), 2014. Paper Runner-up for best paper award

Gupta, N., Aggarwal A. and Kumaraguru, P. Deep Dive into Short URL based e-Crime Detection. Accepted at 9th APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Paper Best Paper Award

Gupta, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Emerging Phishing Trends and Effectiveness of the Anti-Phishing Landing Page. Accepted at 9th APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Paper

Dewan, P., Kashyap, A., Kumaraguru, P. Analyzing Social and Stylometric Features to Identify Spear phishing Emails. Accepted at 9th APWG eCrime Research Symposium (eCRS), 2014. Paper

Mittal, S., Gupta, N., Dewan, P., Kumaraguru, P. Pinned it! A large scale study of the Pinterest network. Accepted at the 1st ACM IKDD Conference on Data Sciences (CoDS), 2014. Acceptance rate: 15%. Paper

Mohamed, M., Sachdeva, N., Georgescu, M., Gao, S., Saxena, N., Zhang, C., Kumaraguru, P., Van Oorschot, P., and Chen, W. A Three-Way Investigation of a Game-CAPTCHA: Automated Attacks, Relay Attacks and Usability. Accepted at 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2014. Paper

Sachdeva, N., Saxena, N., and Kumaraguru, P. On the Viability of CAPTCHAs for Use in Telephony Systems: A Usability FieldStudy. 16th Information Security Conference November 13-15 in Dallas, Texas. Paper Slides

Dewan, P., Gupta, M., Goyal, K., and Kumaraguru, P. MultiOSN: Realtime Monitoring of Real World Events on Multiple Online Social Media". Accepted at I-CARE 2013. Acceptance rate: 26%. Paper Poster

Gupta, A., Lamba, H., and Kumaraguru, P. $1.00 per RT #BostonMarathon #PrayForBoston: Analyzing Fake Content on Twitter. Accepted at IEEE APWG eCrime Research Summit (eCRS), 2013. Paper Slides

Jain, P., Jain, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Call Me MayBe: Understanding Nature and Risks of Sharing Mobile Numbers on Online Social Networks. Accepted at the Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN 2013). Paper Slides

Narang, K., Lerman, K., and Kumaraguru, P. Network Flows and the Link Prediction Problem. Accepted at the 7th workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNAKDD) 2013. Paper

Panjwani, S., Ghosh, M., Singh, S., and Kumaraguru, P. The Paper Slip Should be There: Perceptions of Transaction Receipts in Branchless Banking. Accepted at Mobile HCI 2013. Paper

Lerman, K., Jain, P., Ghosh, R., Kang, J., and Kumaraguru, P. Limited Attention and Centrality in Social Networks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Social Intelligence and Technology (SOCIETY), 2013. Paper BibTeX

Magalhães, T., Dewan, P., Kumaraguru, P., Melo-Minardi, R., and Almeida, V. uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media. Accepted at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) (2013). Paper Slides Poster Demo Track

Gupta, A., Lamba, H., Kumaraguru, P., and Joshi, A. Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy. Accepted at the 2nd International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM), in conjunction with the 22th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) (2013). Paper Slides Best Paper Award

Jain, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Joshi, A. @I seek '': Identifying Users across Multiple Online Social Networks. Accepted at the 2nd International Workshop on Web of Linked Entities (WoLE), in conjunction with the 22th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) (2013). Paper Slides BibTeX Best Paper Award

Aggarwal, A., Almeida, J., and Kumaraguru, P. Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare. Accepted at the 2nd International Workshop on Mining Social Network Dynamics (MSND), in conjunction with the 22th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) (2013). Paper Slides

Ottoni, R., Pesce, J., Casas, D., Franciscani, G., Meira, W., Kumaraguru, P., and Almeida, V. Ladies First: Analyzing Gender Roles and Behaviors in Pinterest. Accepted at The International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) 2013. Paper

Gupta, A., Kumaraguru, P. Misinformation on Twitter during Crisis Events. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (ESNAM). Springer publications. 2012. Book Chapter

Yadav, K., Saha, S., Kumaraguru, P., Kumra, R. Take Control of Your SMSes: Designing an Usable Spam SMS Filtering System. Accepted at the 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) (2012). Paper Demo Track

Aggarwal, A., Rajadesingan, A., and Kumaraguru, P. PhishAri: Automatic Realtime Phishing Detection on Twitter. In seventh IEEE APWG eCrime Research Summit (eCRS), 2012. Paper Best Paper Award

Pontes, T., Magno, G., Vasconcelos, M., Gupta, A., Almeida, J., Kumaraguru, P., and Almeida, V. Beware of What You Share: Inferring Home Location in Social Networks. Accepted at Privacy in Social Data (PinSoda), in conjunction with International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) (2012). Paper BibTeX

Gupta, A., Joshi, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Identifying and Characterizing User Communities on Twitter during Crisis Events. Workshop on Data-driven User Behavioral Modelling and Mining from Social Media, Co-located with CIKM (2012). Paper BibTeX

Pontes, T., Vasconcelos, M., Almeida, J., Kumaraguru, P., and Almeida, V. We Know Where You Live: Privacy Characterization of Foursquare Behavior. Accepted at 4th International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2012). Paper BibTeX

Malhotra, A., Totti, L., Meira, W., Kumaraguru, P., and Almeida, V. Studying user footprints in different online social networks. Accepted at International Workshop on Cybersecurity of Online Social Network (CSOSN) (2012). Paper BibTeX

Asthana, S., Singh,P., Kumaraguru, P., Singh, A., and Naik, V., Tring! Tring! - An Exploration and Analysis of Interactive Voice Response Systems, 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (IndiaHCI), 2012. Paper BibTeX

Gupta, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Credibility ranking of tweets during high impact events. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM), In conjunction with WWW'12. Paper BibTeX

Jain, P., Rodrigues, T., Magno, G., Kumaraguru, P., and Almeida, V. Cross-pollination of information in online social media: A case study on popular social networks. In Third International Conference on Social Computing (Short paper) (2011). Paper BibTeX

Rauber, G., Almeida, V., and Kumaraguru, P. Privacy Albeit Late. In Seventeenth edition of WebMedia, Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (2011). Paper BibTeX

Chhabra, S., Aggarwal, A., Benevenuto, F., and Kumaraguru, P.$oCiaL: The Phishing Landscape through Short URLs. In 8th Annual Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference (CEAS 2011).  Paper BibTeX Best Paper Award

Ion, I., Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P., and Capkun, S. Home is safer than the cloud! privacy concerns for consumer cloud storage. In Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) (2011).  Paper BibTeX

Agarwal, V., Desai, V., Kapoor, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Mittal, S. Enhancing the rural self help group – bank linkage program. In IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (2011). Paper BibTeX

Gupta, A., Viswanathan, K. K., Joshi, A., Finin, T., and Kumaraguru, P. Integrating linked open data with unstructured text for intelligence gathering tasks. accepted at Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb), Co-located workshop at WWW (2011).  Paper BibTeX

Khot, R., Kannan, S., and Kumaraguru, P. Marasim: A novel jigsaw based authentication scheme using tagging. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI. (2011).  Paper BibTeX

Adappa, S., Agarwal, V., Goyal, S., Kumaraguru, P., and Mittal, S. User Controllable Security and Privacy for Mobile Mashups. In HotMobile (2011).  Paper BibTeX

Yadav, K., Kumaraguru, P., Goyal, A., Gupta, A., and Naik, V. Smsassassin : Crowdsourcing driven mobile-based system for sms spam filtering. In HotMobile (2011).  Paper BibTeX

Sureka, A., Kumaraguru, P., Goyal, A., and Chhabra, S. Mining YouTube to Discover Hate Videos, Users and Hidden Communities. In Sixth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (2010).  Paper BibTeX

Yadav, K., Naik, V., Singh, A., Singh, P., Kumaraguru, P., and Chandra, U. Challenges and Novelties while using Mobile Phones as ICT Devices for Indian Masses. In ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for Developing Regions (2010). Paper BibTeX

Ion, I., Langheinrich, M., Kumaraguru, P., and Capkun, S. Influence of User Perception, Security Needs, and Social Factors on Device Pairing Method Choices. In Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) (2010).  Paper BibTeX

Sheng, S., Holbrook, M., Kumaraguru, P., Cranor, L., and Downs, J. Who Falls for Phish? A Demographic Analysis of Phishing Susceptibility and Effectiveness of Interventions. In CHI (2010). Paper BibTeX

Rengamani, H., Kumaraguru, P., Chakraborty, R., and Rao, R. The Unique Identification Number Project: Challenges and Recommendations. In The Third International Conference on Ethics and Policy of Biometrics and International Data Sharing (ICEB) (2010). Paper BibTeX

Sheng, S., Kumaraguru, P., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L., and Hong, J. Improving Phishing Countermeasures: An Analysis of Expert Interviews. In e-Crime Researchers Summit, Anti-Phishing Working Group (2009). Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Cranor, L., and Mather, L. Anti-phishing landing page: Turning a 404 into a teachable moment for end users. In Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (2009). Paper BibTeX

Karat, J., Bertino, E., Li, N., Ni, Q., Brodie, C., Lobo, J., Calo, S. B., Cranor, L. F., Kumaraguru, P., and Reeder, R. W. A Policy Framework for Security and Privacy Management. In IBM Journal of Research and Development, Harmonizing Security and Privacy, Volume 53, Number 2 (2009). Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Cranshaw, J., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L., Hong, J., Blair, M. A., and Pham, T. School of Phish: A Real-World Evaluation of Anti-Phishing Training. In Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) (2009). Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., S. Sheng, A. Acquisti, L.F. Cranor, and J.I. Hong. PhishGuru: Lessons From a Real World Evaluation of Anti-Phishing Training. In e-Crime Researchers Summit, Anti-Phishing Working Group, October 15 - 16, 2008, Atlanta, USA. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., S. Sheng, A. Acquisti, L.F. Cranor, and J.I. Hong. Anti-Phishing Education. In The Proceedings of The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2008). BibTeX

Sheedy, C., Kumaraguru, P. A Contextual Method for Evaluating Privacy Preferences. In Policies and Research in Identity Management (IDMAN), October 11 - 12, 2007, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Rhee, Y., Sheng, S., Hasan, S., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L.F., and Hong, J. Getting users to pay attention to anti-phishing education: Evaluation of retention and transfer. In e-Crime Researchers Summit, Anti-Phishing Working Group, October 4 - 5, 2007, Pittsburgh, USA. Paper BibTeX

Sheng, S., Magnien, B., Kumaraguru, P., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L.F., Hong, J., and Nunge, E. Anti-phishing phil: The design and evaluation of a game that teaches people not to fall for phish. In SOUPS '07: Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on usable privacy and security (New York, NY, USA, March 2007), ACM, pp.88 - 99. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Cranor, L., Lobo, J., and Calo, S. A survey of privacy policy languages. In Workshop on Usable IT Security Management (USM 07). In SOUPS '07: Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Usable privacy and security (New York, NY, USA, March 2007), ACM. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Rhee, Y., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L.F., Hong, J., and Nunge, E. Protecting people from phishing: the design and evaluation of an embedded training email system. In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, New York, NY, USA, May, 2007, ACM Press, pp.905 - 914. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Acquisti, A., and Cranor, L. Trust modeling for online transactions: A phishing scenario. In the proceedings of Privacy Security Trust, Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2006, Ontario, Canada. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., Cranor, L., and Newton, E. Privacy Perceptions in India and the United States: An Interview Study. In The 33rd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Sep 23 - Sep 25, 2005, The National Center for Technology and Law, George Mason University School of Law, USA. Paper BibTeX

Diesner, J., Kumaraguru, P., and Carley, K. Mental Models of Data Privacy and Security Extracted from Interviews with Indians. In 55th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, 2005. New York, NY. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., and Cranor, L. Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness. In Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2005), 30 May - 1 June 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Paper BibTeX

Goyal, N. Improving Content Quality for Online Professional Activities using Domain Specific Learning and Knowledge. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. Spetember 2024. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video

Jaglaan, K. Sampling cohesive communities in unbounded networks. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS in Computing and Human Sciences by Research at IIIT Hyderabad. June 2024. Thesis Document Slides Flier

Jangid, H. Modeling Online User Interactions and their Offline Effects on Socio-Technical Platforms. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. June 2024. Thesis Document Slides

Goel, S. New Frontiers in Machine Unlearning. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS in Computer Science by Research at IIIT Hyderabad. May 2024. Thesis Document Slides

Arun, A. Towards Trustworthy Digital Ecosystem: From Fair Representation Learning to Fraud Detection. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS in Computer Science by Research at IIIT Hyderabad. May 2024. Thesis Document Slides

Kumari, N. Understanding Online Protests: Unveiling Strategies, Collective Narratives, and Harmful Behaviors. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. March 2024. Thesis Document Slides

Singhal, S. Identify, Inspect and Intervene Multimodal Fake News. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. Oct 2023. Thesis Document Thesis Slides

Goel, A. Beyond the Surface: A Computational Exploration of Linguistic Ambiguity. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS in Computer Science by Research at IIIT Hyderabad. June 2023. Thesis Document

Phutela, N. Development of Stress Induction and Detection System to Study its Effect on Brain. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. BML Munjal University. Aug 2022. Thesis Document

Kapoor, A. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Enabling Legal Artificial Intelligence via Bail Prediction on Hindi Case Documents. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS in Computer Science by Research at IIIT Hyderabad. June 2022. Thesis Document

Sharma, S. Influence of NaMo App on Twitter. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering IIT-Kanpur. Aug 2021. Thesis Document Slides

Chandra, M. Towards A More Holistic Approach On Online Abuse and Antisemitism. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering IIIT-Hyderabad. Jan 2021. Thesis Document Slides Masters Thesis

Manu, D. Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Analysing the Online Political Battlefield in India. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering IIIT-Hyderabad. Oct 2020. Thesis Document Blog Slides Masters Thesis

Kaushal, R. User Identity Linkage: Data Collection, DataSet Biases, Method, Control and Application. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. Oct 2020. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video Ph.D. Thesis

Jain, S. Characterizing and Detecting livestreaming Chatbots. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering IIIT-Hyderabad. May 2020. Thesis Document Slides Masters Thesis

Chandra, A. Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach to Analyzing Social Behaviors in an Online Multi-Player Game. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering IIIT-Hyderabad. October 2019. Thesis Document Slides Video Masters Thesis

Paul, I. Insights, Analysis and Prediction of Verified Users on Twitter. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering IIIT-Hyderabad. September 2019. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video Masters Thesis

Garg, V. Detecting Fake Profiles on Online Matrimony. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. June 2019. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video Masters Thesis

Agarwal, V. Content Moderation Across Multiple Platforms with Capsule Networks and Co-Training. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. June 2019. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video Masters Thesis

Gupta, S. Identifying and Mitigating Cross-Platform Phone Number Abuse on Social Channels. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. April 2019. Thesis Document Slides Flier Video Ph.D. Thesis

Bhatia, G. WorkerRep: Building Trust on Crowdsourcing Platform Using Blockchain. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2018. Thesis Document Slides Video Pics Code Masters Thesis

Saxena, S. Confidentiality Protection in Crowdsourcing. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2018. Thesis Document Slides Video Masters Thesis

Sen, I. InstaFake: Detecting Fake Engagement on Instagram. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2017. Thesis Document Slides Video Masters Thesis

Dewan, P. Techniques for Automating Quality Assessment of Context-specific Content on Social Media Services. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Philosophy in Computer Science. Thesis Document Slides Ph.D. Thesis

Sachdeva, N. Social Media and Policing: Computational Approaches to Enhancing Collaborative Action between Residents and Law Enforcement. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Philosophy in Computer Science. Thesis Document Slides Ph.D. Thesis

Chandok, S. User Identities Across Social Networks: Quantifying Linkability and Nudging Users to control Linkability. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2017. Thesis Document Slides Masters Thesis

Verma, M. Analyzing Indicator of Compromises for Ransomware: Leveraging IOCs with Machine Learning Techniques. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. JIIT. 2017. Thesis Document Slides Masters Thesis

Jain, P. Automated Methods for Identity Resolution across Online Social Networks. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Philosophy in Computer Science. Thesis Document Slides Ph.D. Thesis

Goel, S. Image Search for Improved Law and Order: Search, Analyse, Predict image spread on Twitter. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2016. Masters Thesis

Gupta, A. Designing and Evaluating Techniques to Mitigate Misinformation Spread on Microblogging Web Services. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Philosophy in Computer Science. IIIT-D-PhD-CS-CERC-15-001. Thesis Document Slides Ph.D. Thesis

Bhola, A. Twitter and Polls: Analyzing and estimating political orientation of Twitter users in India General #Elections2014. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Data Engineering. IIIT-Delhi. 2014. Thesis Document Masters Thesis

Mittal, S. Broker Bots: Analyzing automated activity during High Impact Events on Twitter. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M. Tech. in Computer Science. IIIT-Delhi. 2014. Thesis Document

Gupta, N. Exploration of gaps in Bitly's spam detection and relevant counter measures. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Information Security. IIIT-Delhi. 2014. Thesis Document Slides Video Masters Thesis

Jain, P. Call Me MayBe: Understanding Nature and Risks of Sharing Mobile Numbers on Online Social Networks. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Information Security. IIIT-Delhi. 2013. Thesis Document Slides Masters Thesis

Gupta, S. OCEAN: Open-source Collation of eGovernment data And Networks - Understanding Privacy Leaks in Open Government Data. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Information Security. IIIT-Delhi. 2013. Thesis Document Slides BibTeX Masters Thesis

Pontes, T. Inferring Residence Location of Social Network Users From Public Data. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai, Brazil. 2012. Author's version Thesis Document Masters Thesis

Aggarwal, A. PhishAri: Automatic Realtime Phishing Detection on Twitter. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Information Security. IIIT-Delhi. 2012. Thesis Document Masters Thesis

Sachdeva, K. TrustGuru: A System to Show Trust Rating of Android Applications. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, with specialization in Information Security. IIIT-Delhi. 2012. Thesis Document Masters Thesis

Rodrigues, T. Monitoring Information in the Online social Media Sphere. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Tech. in Computer Science, from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai, Brazil. 2012. Thesis Document Masters Thesis

Kumaraguru, P. PhishGuru: A System for Educating Users about Semantic Attacks. PhD thesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009. Thesis Document Ph.D. Thesis

Chebrolu, T., Chowdary, R., Vardhan, N.H., Kumaraguru, P. and Rajadesingan, A., 2023. Game, Set, and Conflict: Evaluating Conflict and Game Frames in Indian Election News Coverage. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.04331 Paper

Hitkul. Modeling Online User Interactions and their Offline effects on Socio-Technical Platforms. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report Slides

Neha, K. Leveraging AI to Understand Protests & Foster Secure Societies During Protest. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report Slides

Mishra, R. A Framework For Automatic Question Answering in Indian Languages. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report

Tulasi, A. Influencers, Incentives and Online Communities. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report Slides

Goyal, N. It's My Job: Identifying and Improving Content Quality for Online Recruitment Activities. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report Slides

Singhal, S. Exposing, Examining, and Intervening Fake News. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report Slides

Gupta, S. De-anonymizing, Preserving and Democratizing Data Privacy and Ownership. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Report Slides

Goel, S., Prabhu, A., Kumaraguru, P.:Evaluating Inexact Unlearning Requires Revisiting Forgetting. Pre-Print

Dhawan, M., Sharma, S., Kadam, A., Sharma, R., Kumaraguru, P.: GAME-ON: Graph Attention Network based Multimodal Fusion for Fake News Detection. Pre-Print

Kodali, P. Code Mixing “computationally bahut challenging hai”. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Paper Slides

Singh, A., Jain, C., Jain, J., Jain, R., Sehgal, S., Kumaraguru, P. Koo: The new King? Characterizing India's Emerging Social Network. Precog Technical Report 2021. Paper Dataset Blog Video

Hitkul, Prabhu, A., Guhathakurta, D., Jain, J., Subramanian, M., Reddy, M., Sehgal, S., Karandikar, T., Gulati, A., Arora, U., Shah, RR. and Kumaraguru, P. Capitol (Pat)riots: A comparative study of Twitter and Parler. Precog Technical Report 2021. Paper Dataset Infographic

Kaushal, R. User Identity Linkage across Online Social Networks. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Paper Slides

Awasthi, R., Pal, R., Singh, P., Nagori, A., Reddy, S., Gulati, A., Kumaraguru, P. and Sethi, T. CovidNLP: A Web Application for Distilling Systemic Implications of COVID19 Pandemic with Natural Language Processing. Paper

Pandey, R., Gautam, V., Jain, C., Syal, P., Sharma, H., Bhagat, K., Pal, R., Dhingra, L., Arushi, Patel, L., Agarwal, M., Agarwal, S., Arora, M., Rana, B., Kumaraguru, P. and Sethi, T. A Machine Learning Application for Raising WASH Awareness in the Times of COVID-19. Paper

Tulasi, A., Gupta, K., Gurjar, O., Buggana, S., Mehan, P., Buduru, A., Kumaraguru, P., Catching up with trends: The changing landscape of political discussions on twitter in 2014 and 2019. Paper

Srikanth, S., Sadaria, A., Bhatia, H., Jain, P., Gupta, K., Kumaraguru, P., Don’t cross that stop line: Characterizing Traffic Violations in Metropolitan Cities. Paper

Gupta, S., Singh, A., Buduru, A., Kumaraguru, P. Hashtags are (not) judgemental: The untold story of Lok Sabha elections 2019. Paper

Neha, K., Srikanth, S., Singhal, S., Singh, S., Buduru, A., Kumaraguru, P. Is change the only constant? Profile change perspective on #LokSabhaElections2019. Paper

Khattar, A., Dabas, K., Gupta, K., Chopra, S., Kumaraguru, P. White or Blue, the Whale gets its Vengeance: A Social Media Analysis of the Blue Whale Challenge. Paper Dataset README

Kumaraguru, P., Sachdeva, N. Privacy in India Demystified: I Am More Privacy Conscious Than What You Think. Paper

Aggarwal, A., Kumar, S., Shah, A., Viswanath, B., Zhang, L., and Kumaraguru, P. Spying Browser Extensions: Analysis and Detection. Technical Report. Paper

Lamba, H., Bharadhwaj, V., Vachher, M., Agarwal, D., Arora, M., and Kumaraguru, P. Me, Myself and My Killfie: Characterizing and Preventing Selfie Deaths. Technical Report. Paper

Dewan, P., Bharadhwaj, V., Mithal, A., Suri, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Visual Themes and Sentiment on Social Networks To Aid First Responders During Crisis Events. Technical Report. Paper

Dewan, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Hiding in Plain Sight: The Anatomy of Malicious Facebook Pages. Technical Report. Paper

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Characterising Behavior and Emotions on Social Media for Safety: Exploring Online Communication between Police and Citizens. Technical Report. Paper

Dewan, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Detecting Malicious Content on Facebook. Technical Report. Paper

Dewan, P. A Survey on Identification and Analysis of Poor Quality Content on Facebook. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Paper

Sachdeva, N., and Kumaraguru, P. Privacy4ICTD in India: Exploring Perceptions, Attitudes and Awareness about ICT Use. Technical Report. Paper

Kumaraguru, P., and Sachdeva, N. Social Media Policy for Policing in India. Technical Report IIITD-CERC-14-002. Paper

Sachdeva, N., Kumaraguru, P. Online Social Media and Police in India: Behavior, Perceptions, Challenges. Technical Report IIITD-CERC-14-001. Paper

Mittal, S., Gupta, N., Dewan, P., and Kumaraguru, P. The Pin-Bang Theory: Discovering the Pinterest World. Technical Report arXiv

Dewan, P., Gupta, M., Goyal, K., and Kumaraguru, P. MultiOSN: Monitoring Multiple Online Social Networks During Real-World Events. Technical report, Precog-TR-13-001, Precog@IIIT-D, 2013. Paper BibTeX

Gupta, A. A survey on Analyzing and Measuring Trustworthiness of User-Generated Content on Twitter during High-Impact Events. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Paper

Jain, P. Entity Resolution Techniques. Ph.D. Comprehensive Report. Paper

Jain, P., and Kumaraguru, P. Finding Nemo: Searching and Resolving Identities of Users Across Online Social Networks. Technical report, Precog@IIIT-Delhi, 2012. Paper BibTeX

Kumaraguru, P., and Sachdeva, N. Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness V 2.0. Tech. rep., Precog-TR-12-001, Precog@IIIT-Delhi, 2012. Paper BibTeX

Panjwani, S., Ghosh, M., Kumaraguru, P. and Singh, S.V., Securing the Uncharted Territory: Transaction Receipts in Branchless Banking, IIITD-TR-2012-008, July 2012. Paper BibTeX

Yadav, K., Malhotra, A., Kumaraguru, P., Khurana, R., and Singh, D.K. Take Control Over your SMSes: A Real-World Evaluation of a Mobile-based SpamSMS Filtering System, IIITD-TR-2012-007, July 2012. Paper BibTeX

Dewan, P., Gupta, M., and Kumaraguru, P. ChaMAILeon: Simplified Email Sharing Like Never Before, IIITD-TR-2012-003, March 2012. Paper BibTeX

Gupta, A., and Kumaraguru, P. Twitter Explodes with Activity in Mumbai Blasts! A Lifeline or an Unmonitored Daemon in the Lurking? IIITD-TR-2011-005, August 2011. Paper BibTeX

Acquisti, A., Cranor, L., Hong, J., Kumaraguru, P., Sheng, S., Teaching Johnny not to fall for phish: ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, vol. 10, no. 2, 1 May 2010. Paper

Kumaraguru, P., and Cranor, L. F. Privacy indexes : a survey of Westin's studies. 2005. Paper BibTeX

Egelman, S., and Kumaraguru, P. DIMACS Workshop and Working Group Meeting on Usable Privacy and Security, DIMACS Center - Rutgers University, July 7 - 9 2004 Paper

  1. Riots in Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh), India. September, 2013.
  2. Blasts in Patna during Narendra Modi's rally, (Bihar) India, October 2013.