
I am a PhD student at Precog, Indraprastha Institue of Information Technology (IIIT-Delhi). I am working under Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru . I completed Masters at IIIT-Delhi in 2013. I am broadly interested in Security and Privacy, as well as Data Mining and Machine Learning.

Contact: srishtig [at] iiitd [dot] ac [dot] in


Work Experience

Honors and Awards

  • Research work on IIITD's home page. Link
  • Research work published in Hindustan Delhi newspaper (April 16, 2013). Image


  • Moments for life! My first International trip to USA

    Well, it’s been 2 months since I returned from the United States of America but it all still looks fresh as I sit down to put it in words! :) It was about a year back that I learnt my plausible visit to the University at Buffalo (UB), NY and the news left me all afluttered! As much as I was excited for my first international travel to this beautiful country, my parents were equally nervous as I am known to be an over-pampered and not-so-independent girl (yea, majority including my parents think so :( ).
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  • My work, my pride!

    As they say, ideas can be life changing… and an idea changed my life too (in a positive way, of course! :) ). It is amazing and satisfying to see how ideas turn into reality! It was an year back I, along with Mayank Gupta (B.Tech , DCE) started working on an idea which revolved around the lines of open government data and its potential malicious use.
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  • Exciting times! Indo-UK workshop on Cyber security

    Well, it was two months back I received an email from PK asking me to help him organize an Indo-UK workshop on Cyber security jointly with RCUK, India. In spite of not having the background details for it, just the word “UK” excited me to work on this. It took me not more than 5 minutes to say a big “Yes”. The next response was a set of tasks required for the same and that too in not less than 5 minutes :D . Read More