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The Precog Paradigm: A Culture of Excellence

Hey everyone! I am a recent Computer Science and Engineering graduate from IIIT Hyderabad, and I am currently working at Google as a Software Engineer. Computer Science has been an integral part of my life since childhood, as I learned it in school, and this passion carried through my college years like a guiding thread.

However, once I reached my third year, I realized the importance of gaining research experience to complement my academic journey. Precog, a research lab renowned for its flexibility and abundance of fascinating projects, was an easy choice for me to join since I had heard about its stellar reputation from my very first year. Initially, I applied for an independent study under Prof. PK, intending it to be a semester-long commitment. Little did I know that the captivating projects and Precog’s unique culture would keep me engaged for an incredible 1.5 years.

Life at Precog

At Precog, I had the opportunity to explore the intersection of Computational Social Science and Machine Learning. One of my significant contributions was leading a study on the link between music preferences and depression in India, in collaboration with Prof. Vinoo Alluri. Additionally, I initiated a project on digital payment security, focusing on UPI scams, in collaboration with Dr. Hemank Lamba.

Precog’s unique culture is undoubtedly one of its greatest strengths. It contrasts the common scenario where professors work at a distance from students, and there is a lack of bonding between them. This deviation from the norm makes Precog so successful in nurturing its students and achieving outstanding outcomes. Although I had heard about this culture from my seniors and peers, experiencing it firsthand was a different and enriching experience.

The way Precog operates is efficient and collaborative, to say the least. PK has designed meetings in such a way that every member of the group is aware of all the ongoing projects in the lab. Furthermore, everyone is encouraged to contribute their input to every single project, no matter how small the contribution might be. It is the discussions and the “heated” (for lack of a better word) arguments on concepts and ideas that drive the projects and the work forward.

What sets PK apart is his focus not only on the results but also on the entire research journey. Well, that’s the beauty of research – although it might get frustrating at times, it’s immensely rewarding to see the results unfold. External collaboration is another integral part of the Precog experience. You get to collaborate with various professors and working professionals, which elevates your interactions to a new level and provides valuable networking opportunities.


Bonding Sessions: Where Work Meets Play

PK is not only an exceptional advisor but also a mentor who connects with his students on a personal level. He ensures that he checks on the progress of every project and provides his feedback and insights promptly. This guidance and support from a seasoned researcher like PK are invaluable for students embarking on their research journeys. But that’s not all – he makes sure to foster a fun and engaging environment for the students.

I didn’t know professors played with students, but with PK, I used to regularly play badminton at both the Gopichand Academy and the NBH court, which was one of my favourite parts of my time at Precog. Seeing PK’s enthusiasm while playing is very entertaining, and let’s be honest, it’s not every day that you get to witness a professor’s impressive badminton skills. Apart from that, we had various group dinners and treats, all of which helped me bond with my fellow Precog mates and create cherished memories.

Badminton @ Gopichand Academy
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