Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM)
Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru "PK"

Course video views: 405852

Description/Title Slides Videos Code
Week 1
   Intro to course (Live lecture)
   Intro to OSM
   Tutorial 1 Part 1 - Ubuntu
   Tutorial 1 Part 2 - Python
   Tutorial 1 Part 3 - Git
Week 2
   OSM APIs and tools for data collection
   Trust and credebility on OSM
   Tutorial 2 Reddit API
Week 3
   Misinformation on Social Media
   Privacy and Social Media
   Tutorial 3 Part 1 - Twitter API
   Tutorial 3 Part 2 - MySQL
   Tutorial 3 Part 3 - MongoDB
Week 4
   Privacy and Pictures on Online Social Media
   Tutorial 4 Part 1 - Python essentials - numpy
   Tutorial 4 Part 2 - Python essentials - pandas, matplotlib
Week 5
   Policing and Social Media - Part 1
   Policing and Social Media - Part 2
   Policing and Social Media - Part 3
Week 6
   eCrime on Online Social Media - Part 1
   eCrime on Online Social Media - Part 2
   Tutorial 5 - Social Network analysis (closeness, betweenness)
Week 7
   Link Farming in Online Social Media
   Semantic Attacks: Spear Phishing
   Tutorial 6 - Analyzing text using Python NLTK
Week 8
   Profile Linking on Online Social Media
   Anonymous Networks
   Tutorial 7 - Gephi Network Visualization
Week 9
   Privacy in Location Based Social Networks (Part 1)
   Privacy in Location Based Social Networks (Part 2)
   Tutorial 8: Visualisation highcharts
Week 10
   Beware of What You Share Inferring Home Location in Social Networks
   On the dynamics of username change behavior on Twitter
   Boston Marathon Analyzing Fake Content on Twitter